Daily Archives: August 12, 2016

Critical Juncture in U.S. And Global History


Americans are at a critical juncture in the history of this nation. Politically speaking, at this very moment, important intelligence data is being shared with the presidential candidates of both major parties. More specifically, providing intelligence briefings to with the major party candidates is a historical practice at this junction in the race for the U.S. Presidency.

Concerns about sharing intelligence with the two major party candidates have been heightening because both have exhibited significant flows that bring into question their overall judgment. However, the Republican candidate has been proven to be a pathological liar that have unapologetically drained the life out of the truth.

He stands before the domestic and global public and lies straight into the camera’s lens. His glowing ignorant of facts and his discussing rhetoric that lacks sincerity or meaningful content is immediately transmit around the world. At times, the Republican presidential candidate’s sheer sanity has been questioned; therefore, he is far too dangerously close to immense power. Continue reading Critical Juncture in U.S. And Global History