Monthly Archives: June 2022

The United States of America Need A Cleansing

I want to start by rephrasing that on January 6, 2021, 21st Century insurrectionist primarily believers of the replacement theory, joined forces to attack the U.S. Capitol Building. These individuals include individuals from the right, far-right to the for-out to those hiding in the deep shadows.

It is believed by many, but not yet proven, that Trump watched the insurrectionist savagely attack the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021, with “feelings of delight.” We know that after watching the attack live and in color on TV, Trump sent no help to save the victims of this historically violent criminal act!

Most “Woke,” well-informed people have a good idea of who Mr. Trump is and why he does what he does. On behalf of the American people, I want to know “WHY?” Why did an estimated 2,500 radicalized individuals turn into insurrectionists by attacking and entering the historical Capitol Building on January 6, 2021, forcing Congressperson, staff, and visitors to go into hiding as they obliterated the halls of government?

Approximately 874 domestic terrorists have been charged in the Capitol insurrection to date. Rioters shattered windows and assaulted and severely injured 140 members of the traumatically understaffed Capitol police forces. However, their overall goal was to stop the “Peaceful Transfer of Presidential Power?”

Capitol Rioters put their lives, livelihood, freedom, careers, self-respect, patriotism, and morality, on the line, behind a Trump-induced “Bold-Faced Lie”!

Domestic Terrorism who attacked the Capitol on 1/6/21 were mostly financially secured and had enough financial resources to make fools of themselves. Rioters include white evangelicals, police officers, military veterans, small-business owners, nurses, school teachers, doctors, lawyers, architects, CEOs, accountants, and others. More to come…

What will you do if you wake up one day and discover that your loved one(s) have been radicalized and dupped to do anything this ignorant? What will you do, and how would you stop them?

U.S. Democracy Demands Police to Classify White Racist Groups As Gang Members

Prosecutors said a 17-year-old Girl led a group of four other girls to her ex-girlfriend’s home, where someone fired at least 19 shots, killing a 20-year-old young lady. The judge sentenced the 17-year-old Girl to 140 years in prison on murder and gang charges.’

The murder of the family’s daughter is/was horrible beyond words; however, please let me deviate for a moment. Compared to the exceedingly minimum sentences given to most insurrectionists that attack the U.S. Capital on January 6, 2021, where five people died, the 140-year sentence given to the 17-year-old seems astonishingly excessive. Let’s be clear; the sentences given to most insurrectionists don’t fit the seriousness of their multiple criminal acts.

Based on the definition of 18 USC 521, why aren’t the insurrectionists and criminal groups SUCH AS; the so-called Proud Boys, QAnon, Nationalist Socialist Club or, NSC-131, No White Guilt, Boogaloo, Baked Alaska, Oath Keepers, the Three Percenters, Patriot, Texas Freedom Force, Ohio State Regular Militia, Skinhead, Public Enemy Number One, The Nazi Low Riders, Aryan Brotherhood, and alt-right CONSIDERED GANGS? They are literally “Hiding in Plain Sight.”

Since the DOJ can’t or doesn’t desire to charge the insurrectionists that attacked the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, as radicalized U.S. domestic terrorists, the DOJ must label them as GANGS members. That’s what they are gangs. I am a Man of peace; however, we must end racial disparities that have long permeated every step of the criminal justice process, from police stops, searches, arrests, shootings, and other uses of force. Policies changes must include charging decisions, wrongful convictions, and excessive sentencing.

If local, county, or state police or the FBI notice 3, 4, or more young Black or Brown boys or men hanging together in an urban neighborhood, they are quickly labeled gang members. When law enforcement considers someone a gang member, they receive “gang enhancement” sentencing upon arrest and conviction.

18 USC 521 provides a penalty enhancement of up to 10 years for certain gang members who commit crimes to further the gang’s activities or to maintain or advance their position within the gang. The enhancement is in addition to the penalty for the underlying crime(s).

Violent Gang and Terrorist Organizations File

“The definitions of “gang,” “gang crime,” and “gang member” of the Violent Gang and Terrorist

Organizations File (VGTOF), contained within the FBI” s National Crime Information Center

(NCIC), share some similarities with those definitions used by the states”:

“Gang Member” Definitions

  • The VGTOF definition has a list of criteria, some of which a person must meet to be

considered a gang member.

  • The VGTOF definition requires an admission of gang membership OR two of its criteria.
  • The VGTOF defines a gang as consisting of three or more persons.
  • The VGTOF refers to a gang as an “organization, association, or group.”
  • The VGTOF definition includes criminal/illegal activity or behavior.

Every group that participated in the attack on the attacked the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, fit the definition of a GANG; consequently, why does the U.S. federal and state government treat the groups listed above differently from what is also known as street gangs? The U.S government must expand the gang databases to include all the groups listed above, and not just Black and Brown people. The intelligence law enforcement could obtain by expanding their gang database to include white racist groups will significantly reduce criminal activity and abundantly enhance public safety.

The U.S. must get serious about taking down Domestic Terrorist GANGS that terrorize American citizens with general impunity. We must label them as GANG members and prosecute them as such! We all will be safer.

I will close with this: the FBI has acknowledged the links between law enforcement (GANGS) and suspected white racist terrorist groups. However, to date, the Justice Depart­ment has no national strategy designed to identify white racist police officers or protect the safety and civil rights of the communities they patrol.

The FBI and the Depart­ment of Home­land Security (DHS) have identified white racists as the most lethal domestic terrorist threat to the United States. We will protect our Democracy and ensure Public Safety when we also treat law enforcement officers associated with racist groups (i.e., attacked on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021) as an urgent concern. Without a doubt, they are truly “Hiding in Plain Sight”.

Self Inflicted Wound

Nations around the world are suffering from high oil/gas prices. Why have world leaders not found a way to bring Iran’s and Venezuela’s to market. The answer is, Geopolitics is standing in the way. The world community is allowing one country, Saudi Arabia (KSA), to affect global oil distribution.

The United States must find a way to bring Iran and Venezuela’s oil and gas to market. It’s time for the U.S. to act in its’ own interest and end sanctions against Iran and Venezuela. Western nations trade with the greatest tyrant on earth, Russia; therefore, we can find a way to work with Iran and Venezuela.

Oil Reserves in Iran

Iran has one of the largest gas capacities in the world, and Iran’s gas reserves are about 34 trillion cubic meters. They can meet a significant part of the world’s needs, adding: ” Iran has the ability to produce one billion cubic meters of gas per day, capacity Iran oil production is about 4 million barrels per day and the annual production capacity of petrochemical products is about 92 million tons.

Oil Reserves in Venezuela

Venezuela holds 299,953,000,000 barrels of proven oil reserves as of 2016, ranking 1st in the world and accounting for about 18.2% of the world’s total oil reserves of 1,650,585,140,000 barrels.

Venezuela has proven reserves equivalent to 1,374.2 times its annual consumption. Without Net Exports, this means there would be about 1,374 years of oil left (at current consumption levels and excluding unproven reserves).

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