Monthly Archives: September 2022

America Has An Existential Threat Hiding in Plain Sight

An American secret recently exposed a network of clandestine individuals, many serving as elected officials, police officers, and military members—Americans of African descent and other people of color have always known this to be true. What we are talking about here is the “Enemy Within.”

The Oath Keepers is an American far-right anti-government militia and a conspiracy theory-fueled group whose members claim to be defending their version of the Constitution of the United States. The report revealed that the Oath Keepers membership lists had more than 38,000 names.

Fact, everyone that is a member of the Oath Keepers g has full knowledge of who and what they were joining. With that said, the Oath Keeper membership list also included 370 people who currently work in law enforcement agencies, including police chiefs and sheriffs and more than 100 members of the military.

The non-profit journalist collective Distributed Denial of Secrets exposed the Oath Keepers organization membership database. Again, Elected officials, police officers, and members of the military on Oath Keepers membership list. More troubling is that 80 people on the list are running for public office or are now serving in public office, and more than 100 are currently military members.

The revelation of the Oath Keepers list above presents an existential threat to the safety and livelihood of all Americans. Who can we trust if we can’t trust our elected officials, police officers, and military members to protect our interests? Anyone who is on the Oath Keepers’ membership list is also complicit in January 6 insurrection at the United States Capitol in 2021

Disqualification from Public Office Under the 14th Amendment

Further, Fourteenth Amendment, Section 3 states: “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.”

Every American needs to know their names. Americans of African descent and other people of color need members of the non-profit journalist collective Distributed Denial of Secrets to take the right step and publish the names of the Oath Keepers members list. Their collaboration in violating the Fourteenth Amendment, Section 3 states is understandable. We cannot allow them to continue to “Hide in Plain Sight!”

MAGA Cost In Blood, Treasure, and Reputation

President Biden continues to warn Americans that MAGA-influenced individuals are angry and insulting for no reason. These MAGA folks’ actions are pure arrogant, racist, and ignorant. Sooner or later, authorities will hold these MAGAs People accountable for their horrific behavior.

The record continues to illustrate that every person in Trump’s obit has or will have to PAY A PRICE. Please encourage your MAGA loved ones and friends to save themselves from the sick and all-consuming influence of the Donald. Please don’t allow people you care about to continue playing a FOOL for Trump.

MAGA radicalization brings about an absolute obsession that leads to self-destruction. Consequently, if you discover that you have a loved one or family(s) member(s) that’s become radicalized to fight any of Trump’s many battles, get them help from a professional mental health practitioner now! At this point, people worldwide think that MAGA is who Americans are, and its’ not a GOOD look.

MAGA radicalized individuals include Preachers, Educators, Lawyers, Doctors, Legislators, Police Officers, Active Military, Housewives, and YOU if you are not careful! Yes, this is who we are, America!

How Do You Know If You Are A Mega Republican?

You ARE a MEGA Republican; if you supported the insurrectionists, domestic terrorists, and the mob who attacked the U.S. Capitol Building and Capitol Police and terrorized U.S. Legislators on January 6, 2021.

You Are a MEGA Republican; if you participated in the Capitol riot in any way and if you attempted to impede the peaceful transfer of power, a principal of U.S. democracy, and don’t know that the MAGA movement is a clear and present danger to the American democracy!

You ARE a MEGA Republican; if you continue to believe that Joe Biden is not the legitimate President of the U.S.A. Hence, you still believe the 2020 Presidential election was stolen even though all the facts and responsible sources say its’ a Big Lie.

You ARE a MEGA Republican; if you believe in the so-called “Great Replacement Theory,” ethnic and cultural replacement of white populations with non-white immigrants, that will lead to a “white genocide.”

You ARE a MAGA Republican; if you are an individual who participates in and condones violent political activism and is not alarmed about racist tactics and violent rhetoric.

You ARE a MEGA Republican; if you are automatically against the rights of people of color, feminists, LBGTQ, and immigrants.

You ARE a MEGA Republican; if you distrust the work of hard-working election workers, are an election denier, and don’t trust academics and facts.

You ARE a MEGA Republican; if you are a person that believes that you have the right to control a women’s right to choose.

You ARE a MAGA Republican; if you think women are seeking more power than men and immigration is changing the culture of the U.S. for the worse.

You ARE a MEGA Republican; if you believe that voter fraud only happens in cities predominantly made up of people of color.

You ARE a MEGA Republican; if you continue to allow wealthy individuals to manipulate you with fundraising schemes, bait-and-switch, and money-hustling tricks, hence separating you from your money.

You ARE a MEGA Republican; if you think that banning books from school libraries will prevent young people from exploring and learning new things. We live in the 21st century; consequently, people get their information from various digital and other sources, and most sources are not libraries.  

You ARE a MEGA Republican; if you don’t understand that WOKE is aware of and attentive to important facts and issues. WOKE is what makes human beings intelligent. Please, get WOKE!

Terrorism Is Terrorism Period

The whole of the civilized world must come together to fight terrorism in all its forms. Terrorism is terrorism, period! Nations of the world cannot continue to be selective in their condemnation of terrorism no matter where it happens or who the victims or victimized are! When there are terrorist strikes against a nation of the world or its’ people, too many in the media go silent, and far too many leaders turn and look the other way.

We cannot deem any person or society unworthy of life; consequently, the global community must use all its technological systems to identify terrorists and bring to justice any individual, group, or country that participates in or supports terrorist actions. Nations that rack havoc and bring pain, misery, and the denial of basic needs to the innocent must not escape with impunity or immunity.

Civilized people worldwide must all agree that all lives are sacred, and every soul counts. It doesn’t matter what gender you are, what language you speak, or what country you are from; your life matters. Our human duty is to eliminate sources of fear that perpetually lead to global mistrust and instability.

Moreover, no one should be victimized by terrorists just because of the “Circumstances of Their Birth.” The circumstance of one’s birth is an involuntary reality that directly affects the life of every child born. We cannot change the circumstance of one’s birth; however, we can fight against terrorism on all fronts, ultimately affecting the quality of life once a child is born.

It’s not OK that innocent people, who live where terror rules both the day and the night, cannot leave their homes and sit in a coffee shop, go to a museum, the theater, or the movie, and return home without worrying about being harmed or having death visit their world.

The world community must collectively agree that all humanity counts and every person’s life must have an equivalent value. This is the 21st century, and actions deemed criminal and have the stench of inhumanity must be repudiated immediately by all leaders, media, and civilized human beings. Again, an act of terror anywhere is a threat to humanity everywhere.

In Closing: The majority of people throughout the WORLD want PEACE; however, there is a limited and diminishing number of intransigents pushing for more destruction and the termination of even more lives. I say to all that seek war, and we know who you are, please explain the difference between your agitation for war and a terrorist agitation for wrecking the world.

Warmongers are operating in PLAIN SIGHT, but what’s different this time is we see you for what you are. The WORLD Community is demanding diplomacy and is crying out for peace. Every nation and its people genuinely want to be on the RIGHT side of HISTORY; therefore, those nations on the outside still have an opportunity to join the new Human Family.

Many Have Fallen On The Sword

As the U.S. Department of Justice moves forward in its investigation of materials stored in the empty folders with ”classified’ banners’ at Mar-a-Logo, they should offer individuals who might tamper with said documents an opportunity to come forward.

The significant national security crimes related to the stolen government property seized at Mar-a-Logo are more critical than any of us. Many have fallen on the sword, and their families have greatly suffered. The DOJ knows that some Americans out there possess highly relevant evidence to advance that can assist with their criminal investigations. Again, its’ time for YOU to come forward now!

It would be in the co-conspirators’ favor to come forward before DOJ, through fingerprints and other DNA data, to identify their complicity in this grave matter that could further harm National Security. If you are listening, you must come forward now! Your Silence to protect the criminal activities of others is not worth you spending years of your life in prison.

In closing, some of the classified stolen materials recovered from Mar-a-Lago had the highest top-secret rating. This intelligence breach at Mar-a-Lago not only affects the U.S but also affects our allies worldwide. Any American who thinks it was OK for former President Trump to take secret documents to his resort is not American! A message to Members of the MAGA Republicans, there is No Patriotism Here…