Monthly Archives: August 2022

What Racism Got To Do With It

I am very proud of Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, for paying tribute to mom Diana ahead of the 25th anniversary of her death. Strangely, members of the Royals don’t want to pay tribute to her. One question remains as far as Princes Diana is concerned; one can only wonder what part did racism play in Princes Diana’s death?

“Prince Harry has raised the role of race in his mother’s death, saying “she was hounded while in a relationship with a man who wasn’t white.” It is publicly known that “Prince Harry wants to follow in his mother’s footsteps by being ‘more of humanitarian than as a royal.” For Harry’s sake, I hope he finds the truth about his mother’s death.

May God Continue To Bless Harry, Meghan, and Their Children…

Protection Of National Security Is Our Duty

No Legitimate Patriotic Americans, either Independent, Democratic, or Republican, can allow a senseless, vicious, brutal, and reckless attack on the U.S. Capitol, the Legislative Branch of Government, and government agencies to become Legalized nor NORMALIZED.

Those Trump Sycophants and other right-wing politicians and vigilantes who attack Election Workers, School Board members, Librarians, Medical Workers, Women’s Right to Choose, and Law Enforcement officers will be held accountable.

I agree 100% with our distinguished Attorney General Garland, “we must achieve Justice without fear or favor! Anyone that engages in any form of vigilante justice will be held accountable. The stupidity Trump Sycophants are parroting is reckless, ridiculous, juvenile, ignorant, and unacceptable in a civilized society.

The U.S. Supreme Court‘s Afghan Taliban Move

When the statement, on Friday, June 24, 2022, revealed that the U.S. Supreme Court Struck Down Roe v. Wade, women throughout the nation felt dejected, neglected, and disrespected.

The U.S. Supreme Court’s Afghan Taliban Move was no surprise; however, it was unbelievable and disheartening that the Supreme Court would Vote to “End Nearly 50 Years of Abortion Rights.”

I completely agree with President Biden’s assessment that; the court’s decision would jeopardize the health of millions of women. Just like the Supreme Court U.S. Supreme Court Struck Down Roe v. Wade, the new Afghan Taliban government snatched away Afghan Women and girls’ fundamental rights. The Supreme Court vote was not in line with the will of the majority of the American people. No one asked America Women for their position on the issue of Abortion. Neither Men nor Fickle-Minded Women have the right to choose between women’s healthcare and their doctors.

Let’s be clear; the phrase “Pro-Abortion” is a misnomer. The U.S. Supreme Court, to this day, still pretends that they don’t understand the scope, magnitude, and severity of their decision on Roe. One thing they must know is; that no Woman in America, nor women anywhere in the world, gets pregnant to get an abortion. American Women are furious, hysterical, and fired up and will continue to fight for their right to choose. Women will never give up the right to control their bodily autonomy.

American women and girls will continue to fight for the opportunity to lead secure, unrestricted, and fulfilling lives. Women and girls and the men and boys that love and respect them have a chance, on November 8, 2022, to right the horrible wrong committed by Conservative Activist Members of the U.S. Supreme Court.

The American people are not helpless; hence, we control the vote. We must VOTE TO SAVE our Democracy and send the racialized Un-Woke politicians home. Make sure you are ready on November 8, 2022, to exercise your rights and be an Emotional Intelligent Voter (EIV).

Moreover, let’s end this silliness about WOKE. What person in their right mind would vote for an Un-Woke Candidate? “WOKE means being “aware of and activity attentive to important facts and issues.” Therefore, we must vote for candidates who will actively attend to important facts and issues in our BEST interest. We must also engage in “Full Ballot Voting (FVB)” and vote for candidates that will protect our Democracy.

There Is No Place For Election Deniers In The U.S. Government

Congresswoman Liz Cheney has proven herself to be a moral, truth-seeking individual. Liz rejected the REAL Big Lie, and I agree with her 100% that voters, in the upcoming elections, must NOT support any “Election Deniers.” Individuals who have abandoned their oath of office and breached the public trust have no place to represent the people in a Constitutional Democracy.

I want Liz Cheney to go even further by stating that any elected official or candidate seeking public offices must publicly acknowledge that Joe Biden is the legitimate elected President of the United States of America.

Elected officials at every level of government “Oath of office” demand that they accept President Joe Biden as Commander in Chief. He is responsible for the safety and security of the United States and its citizens.

All Federal employees, Representatives, Senators, judges, political appointees, and the President and Vice President of the United States take an oath of office. They solemnly swear that they will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Its’ time to make it real again.

A Governor Beto O’Rourke Will Fix Texas Grid Question

I have some questions for Governor Greg Abbott.

First, Does Governor Abbott know that the “Texas American Society of Civil Engineers released a statement after the February 2021 winter storm which killed 246 people, that Texas has substantial and growing reliability and resilience problems with its electric system?”

Second, why, at the moment in time when the West Texas High Plains 11,000 wind turbines could be at their peak production profile, wind energy is being curtailed or congested and not able to flow through to some of the higher-population areas?” More specifically, “Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) has to throttle back the [wind] generators,” losing out on wind energy that could help provide much-needed stability to the electric grid during high energy-demand summers and winter!

Third, why is the Public Utility Commission, which oversees the grid, late in conducting tests to determine the economic benefits of adding transmission lines from the West Texas High Plains 11,000 wind turbines?”

Fourth, it appears that Governor Greg Abbott is only interested in adding economic benefits to transmission lines. What about the human benefits, saving lives during winter storms and extreme summer heat?

A Governor Beto O’Rourke will increase Texas’ wind and solar renewable energy power coupled with an enhanced power transmission network with the ability to connect to Texas entire electric grid and bring low-cost electricity to all regions of Texas. By Texans for Texans!

A Governor Beto O’Rourke will immediately develop un-tap pathways for solar panels and batteries on thousands of acres of open land that is already under the control of (ERCOT). Climate friendly renewable energy investment must be taken very seriously.

Texans need a paradigm shift. A visionary leader that will not move the state backward. A leader with the foresight required to move Texas confidently in the 21st century. Also, at this critical time in Texas history, Texas needs a governor with the ability to properly and respectfully represent and protect the interest of All Texans.

In closing, on January 6, 2021, the U.S. Capitol and the members of the Legislative Branch of our Government were viciously, brutally, and recklessly attacked by citizens from within this nation. We must never forget that during the attack on our Capitol, PEOPLE DIED on that January day.

There was a threat to our democracy on J621; therefore, collectively, we cannot allow the action of an insurrectionist domestic terrorist movement to become LEGALIZED or NORMALIZED. America was brutalized and embarrassed before the world, and accountability is essential for this nation to become whole.

As for Texas, voters must never accept the concept of “Alternative Facts.” We must become “Emotional Intelligent Voters (EIV) and, on November 8, 2022, we must vote our interest by Voting to Elect a New Forward-Thinking, Highly Qualified Governor, Beto O’Rourke, to Office.