Repeatedly and persistently over the last seven years, the American people, and Global citizens worldwide have heard Republican members of Congress, Republican politicians, and most Republican voters pine for the Repeal & Replace of the Affordable Care Act.
There are individuals on both side of the political divide that have said that the ACA need adjustments; however, most Republicans are hell bent on “throwing out the baby with bathwater”!
President Trump has aggressively and forcefully thrust the Republican control to Congress to push out the GOP bill, the American Health Care Act. The world is now aware that Trump and the U.S. House of Representative were unsuccessfully in moving their Health Care Act forward.
Trump’s approval rating hobbling around 37% and GOP’s American Health Care Act approval rating standing at 17% was not enough to move Republican on the far right or those on the center-right to vote for the GOP healthcare bill.
Let’s be clear, although the GOP Health Care bill actually preserved the most desirable components of the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare, it fell below the levels of healthcare protections provided in ACA.
Those Republicans who voted for the GOP’s American Health Care Act demonstrated to the world that they don’t value the healthcare needs of their fellow Americans. The American people have provided political leaders with the best healthcare money can buy; however, when they had an opportunity to vote for what was Morally Right, they voted for their own greedy self-interest.
New Congressional elections are coming in 2018, and we must elect politicians to office that value our entire humanity. The Americans people’s’ quality of life must be the first consideration in any vote. Providing additional tax breaks for the wealthy and multination corporations are not going to benefit those that are in need. Their vote demonstrated that they would continue to live on the wrong side of history.
The Following Countries All Provide “Universal Health Care” to Its People: Japan and New Zealand began providing “Universal Health Care as early as 1938”. Australia/1975; Austria/1967; Bahrain/1957; Bahrain/1945; Bahrain/1958; Canada/1966; Cyprus/1980; Denmark/1973; Finland/1972; France/1974; Germany/1941; Greece/1983; Hong Kong/1993; Iceland/1990; Israel/1995 Italy/1978; Japan/1938; Kuwait/1950; Luxembourg/1973; Netherlands/1966; New Zealand/1938; Norway/1912; Portugal/1979; Singapore/1993; Slovenia/1972; South Korea/1988; Spain/1986; Sweden/1955; Switzerland/1994; United Arab Emirates/1971; United Kingdom/1948.
Any respectable and dignified nation, which has the finical ability, must provide Healthcare to all its’ people. Healthcare is Humanity. President Barack H. Obama, we thank you for setting a standard that provided healthcare for 20+million Americans.
The Affordable Care Act is a great beginning, and with the right adjustments, it will provide affordable healthcare for all Americans. The American voters must realize that the lack of healthcare anywhere is a threat to healthcare everywhere.