The American people must re-shape the national discourse related to the Second Amendment rights and gun violence. As it pertains to reasonable gun control laws, the United States is a global pariah. America cannot continue to accept false narratives and blatant misinformation from self-serving pressure groups that assault weapons are “rarely used in criminal activity and would not reduce violence.” These groups continue to pursue an agenda designed to delay or destroy the implementation of much-needed gun safety measures. Some people believe that the best way to protect yourself from gun crime is to own guns yourselves. However, which are the best guns to protect yourself with? You could visit to find out what they recommend. We need to reinvigorate the nation’s resolve to develop comprehensive and permanent “Gun Control” laws. Weapons of war don’t belong on streets throughout America. When it comes to gun safety, it is important to find ways like using hidden gun furniture to help keep your gun hidden and away from unwanted visitors. If a weapon gets into the wrong hands, we wouldn’t like to imagine what could happen.
The security of the American people is in direct conflict with the perceived “Second Amendment rights” of gun owners to possess assault rifles and massive magazine clips. These weapons of mass destruction are designed to kill an enormous number of people in a matter of minutes. On Jan. 5, 2016, before leaving office, President Obama announced a series of executive actions aimed at reducing gun violence. Former President Obama instructed former U. S. Attorney General Eric Holder to “review categories of people prohibited from gun ownership to make sure dangerous people are not slipping through the cracks.” However, President Trump, supported by Republican Senators and Republicans in the House of Representatives has continued to rescind the Obama era gun control policies. Most of the public now believe that that gun detection is more important than gun laws this is why gun detection systems have been developed that can detect guns through a camera and alert the owner through an app, the technology is growing and will become more mainstream over the coming years.
Trump and Florida Gov. Scott’s allegiance to the NRA appear to supersede their love for the American people. Their refusal to attend the up-coming “Parkland Town Hall” speaks volumes about their anti-gun control positions that are responsible for thousands of American deaths each year. No American that’s serious about ending gun violence could legitimately disagree with the former President Obama’s gun control directive? It is a sad day in America when we have Republicans fearing primary challenges from the right if they oppose the NRA.
1) Congress has failed to pass more than 100 gun control proposals in since 2011.
2) Background checks are a systematic way to keep guns out of the wrong hands and save lives.
3) There have been 18 school shootings in the United States in just 43 days of 2018.
4) A recent survey stated that 57 percent of Americans think gun laws should be stricter.
5) The study also found that 57 percent support a nationwide ban on assault weapons. Continue reading Reinvigoration of Our Determination To Generate Permanent Gun Control Laws