Monthly Archives: February 2021

We Demand Reparations & 100% Equity

We, the African-American Black Man and Black Woman are the people with the lived, painful experiences expressed on the pages of most major and minor news media every day, and yes, it hurts. The lived experiences that have been dropped done on our souls were not of our choosing.

Collectively, Black People continue to live in an America rapped with the ropes of what the honorable Dr. Joy Degruy refer to as ” Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome,” ( and again, it hurts.

To understand just a piece of Black People’s pain, please listen to Coach Doc Rivers’ statement, “we love America but America doesn’t love us back.” (

When Black People want to give themselves uplifting, we often say, “We are still here (not murdered), or We are still standing, (able to stand on our own two feet;”) however, we are no longer willing for the bar to be set that low. It is 2021, and if not now, when will Black people be respected for 100% of our Womanhood and Manhood? 100% equity. Now is that time. Thank You. More To Come

Message for Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, and Sen. Mark Kelly

I have a message for Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, and Sen. Mark Kelly of Arizona. We understand that you all may face substantial challenges in your re-election bid in 2022; however, significant funding for reopening schools, necessary aid to save small businesses, and the 1,400 relief checks for families devastated by the pandemic must come first.

What you need to know is, we expect you to stand firm with President Job Biden to provide the American people with the recovery funds required for survival during these multiple pandemics facing this nation. If you support the people, the people will support you.

Bipartisan action is a good goal; however, we must look at the recent U.S. political history to guide us as the nation moves forward with the new Congress. The American people are facing crises of immense proportions. We have to work with those who are ready to address these unrelenting issues right now. I agree with the Republican Senators that ensuring that the stimulus checks go to those most in need is a good compromise.

When President Biden was a Senator, he was known as a deal maker. He could bring Democrats and Republicans to unanimity on many important matters facing the country. Today, America is experiencing a partisan divide that is most intransigent in modern history. Moreover, they know that America is experiencing an unprecedented set of crises.

The COVID-19, aka the Coronavirus, continues to pose a mammoth threat to the country. Additionally, the economic conditions are merciless for far too many Americans; consequently, the need for action is pressing, and the extent of the demand is monumental.

I solute the 10 GOP Senators and believe that they are sincere in reaching out to President Biden for a bi-partisan vote; however, what they are offering is much too little and too late. Furthermore, where is the Republican leadership with efforts? Fool Us Once.

Senator Joe Manchin, Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, and Sen. Mark Kelly, we have the 51-vote majority in the Senate that would allow President Biden’s bill to pass. We need you to strengthen your resolve and step up and enable the relief package to pass through budget reconciliation if necessary. Americans don’t need to wonder where you are on the urgent relief package.

Demoncrats, let’s go, let’s unite, and let’s vote to move President Biden’s Biden’s $1.9 trillion economic rescue package through the House and Senate on to the American people.

Biden’s economic rescue package includes Enhanced unemployment aid, Rental assistance/eviction moratorium: Help for the hungry: More money for child care and child tax credits: A temporarily increase of tax credits: Subsidies for health insurance premiums: Restoration of emergency paid leave: More assistance for small businesses: Aid for states and schools: Increased support for vaccines and testing: and A $15 hourly minimum wage.