Monthly Archives: October 2024

What Kind Of America – Chaos Or Accountability

The chaos caused by the widespread levels of misinformation and disinformation in North Carolina about the source of Hurricanes Helene and Milton has put the lives of hurricane Relief Workers at risk. Some Government representatives in North Carolina were forced to leave damaged areas due to reports of threats from armed civilians out “hunting” for hurricane relief workers.” These armed individuals and other disillusioned persons are breaking the law, and they must be held accountable.

Incitement is being used by many right-wing Republicans to intimidate and threaten Relief Workers and others. What’s happening here is an illegal form of incitement that must be modified and strengthened. In short, the incitement laws need more teeth, and again, those who use incitement to fan the flames of racism and hate must be held accountable.

We must remember that Trump’s incitement speech on the Ellipse on January 6, 2021, encouraged the Capitol riots. The violence and thuggery used by Trump’s supporters on J6 were the ultimate and criminal level of INCITEMENT! Some have asked, did Trump’s words at the rally incite violence? Yes, his words did incite violence and yes, people died that day. One might ask, how much nastiness is too much? The answer is that any amount of nastiness is too much. In closing, it’s time to “Dump The Trump.”

What Kind Of Leader What Kind Of President

The United States of America, the leader of the free world, is under a global microscope. Individuals and countries worldwide are watching both our deeds and our actions. The U.S. is approaching a landmark election on November 5, 2024. In the Red Corner, there is former President Donald Trump. He is a proven pathological liar, he is self-centered, he is vindictive, he is disrespecting, and evil. Trump is also the first U.S. president in history to become a convicted criminal (felon); he was found guilty of falsifying business records in connection with a payoff to a porn star in an attempt to buy her silence.

Additionally, a New York jury Trump liable for sexually abusing columnist E. Jean Carroll and awarded her $5 million in a judgment, the jury also found that what Donald Trump did to E. Jean Carroll was rape. He was convicted by a unanimous 12-person jury that found him guilty of fraudulently disguising installments as corporate legal expenses in violation of New York law.

Attorney General James won a groundbreaking victory in a case against Donald Trump and his sons and ordered them to pay more than $450 Million because of fraudulent activities where he “exaggerated his net worth by as much as $2.2 billion in any given year.” Trump seeking the presidency, at the same time, was banned from serving as an officer or director of any New York company for three years. Trump has many other perceived and actual charges not mentioned here. Others in his sphere are also facing legal consequences.

The list of ex-Trump Lawyers who are facing legal outcomes includes Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis, Kenneth Chesebro, James Troupis, John Eastman, Christina Bobb, Jeffrey Clark, Sidney Powell, Michael Cohen, Alina Habb, Cleta Mitchell, and others. Trump told a despicable wicked lie that legal Haitian residents were eating people’s pets. In the midst of two of the most severe hurricanes, Trump lied about the federal government hurricane response.

In the Blue Corner, we have Vice President Kamala Harris. “She always fights for the people – from her barrier-breaking time as District Attorney of San Francisco and Attorney General of California to proudly serving as a United States Senator and the Vice President.” Vice President Harris has fought for the people of California and the United States of America for most of her adult life.

Vice President Harris “has also represented the United States abroad – embarking on more than a dozen foreign trips, traveling to more than 19 countries, and meeting with more than 150 world leaders to strengthen critical global alliances. The Biden/Harris administration “capped the cost of insulin at $35 a month for seniors, cut prescription prices, and improved maternal health by expanding postpartum care through Medicaid.

They passed the first meaningful gun safety law in three decades. Forming a bipartisan coalition, they enacted a $1 trillion investment in the country’s infrastructure to remove every lead pipe in America and make the most significant investment in public transit, repairing bridges, and high-speed Internet in history.” The Biden/Harris administration passed the Bi-parison Chips in America Act to bill chips for our semiconductor industry. There are so many other achievements.

Therefore, if you love The United States, you will vote for the candidate with intellect, foresight, character, empathy, and honesty. It would be best for America if you voted for Vice President Kamla Harris for president. Now, let’s go to the polls and vote.

For The Sake Of The Innocent- Give Me A Leser Evil Please

I read that “A campaigning group called on Muslim voters Monday to punish Vice President Kamala Harris for “overseeing” the Israel-Hamas war and turn out to back Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein instead.” The Muslim groups who seek to punish Vice President Harris by turning out to back Jill Stein are also voting to PUNISH your families here in America and your families back in your homelands. I understand how many Muslims feel about the genocidal loss of life and the devastating destruction of infrastructures in Gaza and the greater Middle East.

I understand your feelings and points of view; however, with known facts as outlined in Trump’s Project 2025, and the horrendously violent statements that regularly come out of his mouth, who will be the greater danger to your families? The campaign stated “We are not choosing between a greater evil and a lesser evil,” you are right, by voting for Jill Stein, you are voting for the ultimate EVIL.

If Trump is elected, he will round up immigrants, both legal and illegal, by the millions and put them in deportation camps. Trump is calling for an extraordinary expansion of the war in the Middle East. YOUR FAMILIES IN THE WAT ZONE would experience unimaginable levels of death and destruction as a result of Trump’s action. He will release the criminals who attacked the seat of America’s legislative power on January 6, 2021. He will permit racist bigoted groups to racially profile and threaten communities of color with impunity?

In closing, for the sake of our people and global humanity, we must engage in “Emotional Intelligent Voting.” With a heavy heart, I will choose A Leser Evil and continue the Fight for Change.

A Response That Can Change The World As We Know It

In retaliation to the expansion of the war against Lebanon, Iran fired more than 180 ballistic missiles at Israel on Tuesday. The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu swore that Iran would pay for the attack. Globally, many analysts worry is concerning that Israel may attempt to attack Iranian nuclear sites.

United States President Joe Biden said, “he does not support Israel striking Iran’s nuclear sites in response to the missile attack against its people.” Further, President Biden, in calls to the G7 leaders stated that they “supported Israel – to a point.” The G-7, which includes the United States, Canada, Britain, Italy, France, Germany, and Japan, settled that “Israel has a right to respond proportionally.”

Although Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his war department have largely disregarded the U.S. recommendations thus far, the State Department spokesman Matthew Miller mentioned that “the U.S. would continue discussing with Israel what form its response to Iran would take.”

Let’s be clear, no one will win if any country attacks nuclear sites. War itself is dirty and pollutes the water we drink and the air that we all breathe; however, an attack on Iran’s nuclear sites in the densely populated Middle East, would have catastrophic consequences through the regent.

The attack on nuclear sites would also release a significant amount of ionizing radiation, resulting in severe burns and fatalities and leading to acute radiation sickness. Long-term exposure could increase cancer risks and cause genetic damage.

The Environmental Impact caused by an attack on nuclear sites would release large amounts of smoke and soot into the atmosphere, potentially leading to a “nuclear winter” scenario. This could result in drastic climate changes, affecting agriculture and food supplies.

The destruction of infrastructure, combined with radiation exposure, would overwhelm medical facilities and emergency services. There would be a massive displacement of people, leading to a humanitarian crisis. The Middle Regent would face long-term economic challenges due to the loss of infrastructure, and workforce, and the costs associated with cleanup and rebuilding. Social structures would be severely disrupted, with long-lasting psychological impacts on the population.

Point of fact, approximately 20% of the global oil supply passes through the Strait of Hormuz, which connects the Persian Gulf with the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea. This makes it one of the most critical chokepoints for global energy security. Any significant interruption in this supply chain would be devastating to economies worldwide.

The G7 leaders and other interested parties must encourage Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his war department to step back from the scenarios mentioned above (the abyss) and, as President Biden proposed, Israel must seek proportionate actions in this very critical situation and this historically critical time.

At the end of the day, we all would want to be on the RIGHT SIDE of history.