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Facts About Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

Let’s be clear, the Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in the United States is a “hire initiative” that includes white women, people of color, LGBTQ+ individuals, and people with disabilities.

Zappia is a career resource platform that helps job seekers find jobs, explore career paths, and get personalized job recommendations. It offers a variety of tools, including resume templates, company insights, job responsibilities, salary information, and career path visualizations. Zippia is designed to empower people with the information and tools they need to achieve their career aspirations.

Point of fact; According to a report from Zippia, Melanated/Black people comprised only 4% of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) positions in the workplace as of 2023. This suggests that the majority of DEI hires are from other racial and ethnic groups. Therefore, if your intentions are to harm Melanated /Black people, you are also harming your own as well.

What Is The Color Of My Privilege, Our Privileges II?

How many people of color have heard a friend, a co-worker, an influencer, or a community leader say, “I am just a privileged white guy or girl?” Did it make you wonder, “If they are privileged and white, what is the color of my privilege, our privileges?” Many have historically and continue to obtain benefits from those pre-existing disparities that give them a better “starting point” in life with white privileges.

*White privilege is a phrase that captures the idea of “obtaining biased benefits that lead to life gains” and “securing unfair advantages”. This term emphasizes the idea of gaining benefits through biased or preferential treatment that most certainly results in personal and lifelong gains.

Some want to believe that character, work ethic, and strong family dynamics are the determining factors in everyone’s life. Now Breaking News, we have the Professional Basket star, Caitlin Clark, who “Time Magazine recently named as Athlete of the Year,” acknowledged her white privilege and hoped to be part of the effort to elevate Black women.”

The factors related to white privilege will unquestionably improve anyone’s chance to succeed; however, it’s outrageous for anyone to pretend or believe that the color of one’s skin has no bearing on their life experiences or successes in life. White supremacy, the mother and father of white/light privileges is a global phenomenon. It creates racial inequalities that affect the social and economic conditions of Black People and people of color in America and across the globe.

It is a historical fact that from the very beginning, based on the color of our skin alone, racial discrimination and the denial of privileges experienced by African Americans/Blacks have been different from that of any other group in America. African descendants of American Black folks have systematically been forbidden the basic rights, opportunities, and privileges that others have been afforded simply based on the color of their skin.

Africans and African descendants have endured one of the cruelest from of RACISM ever known to the main kind. Hence the barbaric system known as “The Peculiar Institution” was born. Our ancestors, who were considered only 3/5 human beings, consistently resisted enslavement; therefore, our demands for impartiality and full participation in American society have continued to this day. Although our strategies have varied, our collective goals of full freedom and equality remain unchanged.

African Americans/Blacks, for far too many years, have been governed by systemic racism which has never valued our contributions or our lives. Moving forward, we will break the cycle that has created, among some of our brothers and sisters, a type of self-hatred, self-deception, and suppression of our progression. The concoctions used to maintain this hard-core racist scheme of turning us against ourselves were/are supported by governments, mainstream media interests, and the global business elites.

Traditionally, individuals and groups have traveled the world spreading spiteful hate of African-Americans/Blacks specifically and Black people, in general, without accountability. The mainstream media, through its articles, books, movies, etc., continue to be complicit in the continued efforts of de-legitimization of our existence with their venomous messages.

Moreover; every immigrant before their arrival on America’s shores is awarded a set of Privileges, based primarily on color. The Color of their Privileges instantaneously Exceeds those afforded to African-American/Black people whose stolen labor, to a large degree, built this nation. Additionally; most immigrants arriving in America by airplane, ocean liners, or on foot, understand the attachment and meaning of the famous N-word. Immigrants are instructed to disengage from, and not befriend, African-Americans/Blacks; the group that is afforded the less humanity, and has been allocated the least amount of Privilege.

It is in our best interest to fully understand that the concept of white supremacy, which birthed white privileges, is a doctrine without moral or scientific authentication. We must fully comprehend the social and economic impact that the diabolical levels of misinformation and misinformation that is perpetrated against Black lives. Consequently, African-Americans/Blacks must no longer participate in the continued aiding and abetting of our demise. We are on the path of taking back our “Stolen Legacy”: Hence, we will never accept the racist ideas inferring that Melaninated skin, in some unexplainable way, gives others the right to minimize our humanity. Note: Global Educational policies have contributed to the construction and reinforcement of white privilege.

Starting Today, Africans/Descendants must enthusiastically celebrate the end of emotional duplicities and financial terrorism that is intertwined with barbaric and unjust policies. Most importantly, as we move forward; everything that we should control, we will control. By seizing total power over our monies and our minds; we will diligently work to connect High-Income Earning African/Blacks with the causes of comprehensive Black liberation.

We are a glorious people who have given so much to the world in the way of culture, religion, science, mathematics, and grace (etc.); therefore, we will not remain silent and endure self-imposed genocide by not demanding privileges that others are given just because of the color of their skin.

The Fierce Urgency for Justice and Sustainable Liberation requires us to enthusiastically re-evaluate our relationships with ALL entities that work against our interests. Therefore, Africans and African descendants Black people must critically assess the attitudes and actions of companies and individuals and not patronize any institution that continues to disrespect Black People, Black Prosperities, and Black Lives.

I am going to close with this question: If we can all agree, based on statistical current, and historical data, that whiter/lighter skin has an artificially higher positive outcome, when and how are we going to realize economic and social justice and global equity for all?

                                                                                                    ©Mansour Id-Deen Revised December 17, 2024

Nigeria, By All Means, Must Stop The Illicit Drug Trade

Nigeria must stop its addiction crisis before it takes hold in the country. The first step is to determine the source of the drugs being shipped into the country. Are they coming from Europe, the Middle East, the U.S. or elsewhere? Once Nigeria determines the source country (s), it must move quickly to coordinate joint forces and efforts to end the trade.

The illicit drug trade is one of the most destabilizing factors for any government anywhere in the world. These are two main reasons for an attack of this nature on your Nigeria. The first is an economic disruption. By flooding a country with illicit drugs, outside entities can undermine the local and national economy. This can lead to increased crime rates, overburdened police, and healthcare systems, and a general decline in productivity and economic stability.

A second reason is to call political destabilization. Illicit Drug trafficking can be used to fund insurgent groups or corrupt officials, weakening the government’s ability to maintain order and governance. This can lead to increased corruption, erosion of public trust, and ultimately, political instability.

Nigeria, by any means necessary, must heighten border Security: Strengthening border security measures, such as increasing the number of border patrol agents, using advanced technology for surveillance (e.g., drones, sensors), and conducting thorough inspections at ports of entry can help intercept illicit drugs.

Nigeria must expand International Cooperation: Collaborating with other countries to disrupt drug trafficking networks, share intelligence, and conduct joint operations can be effective in reducing the flow of illicit drugs. This includes working with neighboring countries to secure borders and dismantle transnational criminal organizations.

Nigeria, more importantly, must increase Public Awareness and Education: Educating the public, from the youngest to the oldest, about the tremendous dangers and destruction of illicit drugs. Nigeria must promote awareness campaigns to reduce demand. Programs that focus on prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation can help address the root causes of drug abuse and reduce the market for illicit drugs.

In closing, I would ask my Nigerian Brothers to review the devastating effect the “targeted illicit drug trade” had on African descendant communities throughout the United States during the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s. It devastated the family structure, disrupted the local economic base, destroyed the healthy level of homeownership, and brought about the beginning of gentrification throughout the whole of the African descendant communities.

Yes, flooding our communities with illicit drugs was intentional and it came in from outside our communities to destroy and take over what was inside. Therefore, my Brother and Sisters, stop the flow of illicit drugs now. You must understand who the perpetrators and victims are and deal with them accordingly.

A point of caution, as it relates to marijuana, it is an herb that comes from the Cannabis plant, which is classified as a herbaceous plant. The leaves, flowers, and stems of the Cannabis plant are used for various purposes, including medicinal, recreational, and industrial uses. The legal status of marijuana varies widely depending on the country and even within regions of a country.

In some places, marijuana is considered an illicit drug, meaning its use, possession, and distribution are illegal. However, in the United States, many states have legalized marijuana for medical use, and several have also legalized it for recreational use. If not laced with some form of chemical substance(s), its use is non-threatening. Therefore, you would want to produce/grow it from African soil, the richest soil in the world! You would want to research Nigeria’s historical relationship and the global relationship with marijuana. May the Most High continue to bless all of my African Families.

The marijuana plant has a variety of non-medicinal uses:

Marijuana cultivation and use on the African continent goes back thousands of years. The legal status of marijuana varies widely depending on the country and even within regions of a country. In some places, marijuana is considered an illicit drug, meaning its use, possession, and distribution are illegal. However, it has been legalized in other areas for medical and/or recreational use. In the United States, many states have legalized marijuana for medical use, and several have also legalized it for recreational use. If not contaminated with a substance (usually harmful or toxic), its use is non-threatening. Therefore, you would want to produce it from African soil, the richest soil in the world!

The marijuana plant also has a variety of non-medicinal uses:

Industrial Hemp: The fibers from the cannabis plant can be used to make textiles, ropes, paper, and biodegradable plastics. Hemp is known for its strength and durability.
Food Products: Hemp seeds are highly nutritious and can be used in foods like hemp milk, protein powder, and hemp oil. They are rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
Building Materials: Hemp can be used to create eco-friendly building materials like hempcrete, which is a sustainable alternative to concrete.
Biofuel: Hemp can be processed into biofuel, providing a renewable energy source.

Meritorious Manumission

Israeli “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for, announced a $5 million reward for anyone who can assist in the release of Israeli hostages held by Hamas and other terror groups. The offer also included safe passage out of Gaza.”

Netanyahu announced, “Whoever brings us a hostage will find an open door for himself and his family to leave, and we will also give a $5 million reward for each hostage,” the premier said. He had previously suggested Israel would pay “several million” for hostage their recovery.”

It is clear to all observers that Israel has vastly superior military and intelligence capabilities in the conflict with Hamas. However, to date, the IDF has not been able to secure freedom for the remaining hostages militarily. I believe that anyone who is “On the Side of Humanity” wants to see the hostages kidnapped by Hamas from Israel on October 7, 2023, freed immediately. The unimaginable suffering of the innocent hostages and the innocent citizens of Gaza needs to end now. For that matter, all “innocent” hostages from both sides of this conflict must be freed.

However, globally, most diplomats and regular people believe that a negotiated cease-fire would be the quickest way to get the hostages back to their Moreover, the policy of payment for freedom to Gazans is perilous for any person or group to engage in or accept. It would certainly put their lives and their family’s lives in serious jeopardy. The policy of using “rewards for hostages” is an indirect form of using local Gazans as human shields.

This kind of policy is nothing new. During 1700 hundred in the United States of America, the enslavers used enslaved Africans in a very similar manner. This strategy was known as the “The Meritorious Manumission Act of 1710.”

Meritorious Manumission was a legal act of freeing enslaved Africans for “good deeds.” The enslavers would grant freedom to any enslaved African who (1) saved the life of a white enslaver, (2) protected the enslaver’s property, (3) invented something from which a white enslaver could make a profit, and, (4) encouraged enslaved Africans to gain their personal freedom, prestigious positions, and material benefits for “snitching” on their enslaved brothers and sisters who were planning to run away or who were planning and executing revolts and rebellions.

Again, these kinds of strategies will put the lives of the recipients of so-called “rewards” and their families at tremendous risk. Recipients of “rewards” or informants will also lose the trust of their peers, making it difficult to maintain relationships or gain future support from their community. In the 21st century, diplomacy must be the solution to bringing Middle East conflicts to an immediate end. Ending conflicts/wars is the ultimate desire of the world community.

In closing, Meritorious Manumission is still alive in the 21st century. Case in point, during the November 5, U.S. presidential election, African Americans witnessed individuals from our communities who were given prominent positions and material benefits to perform acts against the best interest of the African/American community.

Only Looking Out For Self

What do former U.S. President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a Trump supporter, have in common? They both are trying to obtain or stay in power to avoid going to jail. Additionally, former President Trump allegedly accepted $10 million from the Egyptian government during his 2016 presidential campaign.

The Qatari government allegedly confirmed that “dozens of millions of dollars were transferred to Netanyahu and Avigdor Lieberman as part of their election campaigns.” Trump and Netanyahu are two sides of the same coin. Allegedly, both individuals mentioned above acted selfishly in their “own” interest and Millions worldwide have/are suffering.

What Kind Of America – Chaos Or Accountability

The chaos caused by the widespread levels of misinformation and disinformation in North Carolina about the source of Hurricanes Helene and Milton has put the lives of hurricane Relief Workers at risk. Some Government representatives in North Carolina were forced to leave damaged areas due to reports of threats from armed civilians out “hunting” for hurricane relief workers.” These armed individuals and other disillusioned persons are breaking the law, and they must be held accountable.

Incitement is being used by many right-wing Republicans to intimidate and threaten Relief Workers and others. What’s happening here is an illegal form of incitement that must be modified and strengthened. In short, the incitement laws need more teeth, and again, those who use incitement to fan the flames of racism and hate must be held accountable.

We must remember that Trump’s incitement speech on the Ellipse on January 6, 2021, encouraged the Capitol riots. The violence and thuggery used by Trump’s supporters on J6 were the ultimate and criminal level of INCITEMENT! Some have asked, did Trump’s words at the rally incite violence? Yes, his words did incite violence and yes, people died that day. One might ask, how much nastiness is too much? The answer is that any amount of nastiness is too much. In closing, it’s time to “Dump The Trump.”

What Kind Of Leader What Kind Of President

The United States of America, the leader of the free world, is under a global microscope. Individuals and countries worldwide are watching both our deeds and our actions. The U.S. is approaching a landmark election on November 5, 2024. In the Red Corner, there is former President Donald Trump. He is a proven pathological liar, he is self-centered, he is vindictive, he is disrespecting, and evil. Trump is also the first U.S. president in history to become a convicted criminal (felon); he was found guilty of falsifying business records in connection with a payoff to a porn star in an attempt to buy her silence.

Additionally, a New York jury Trump liable for sexually abusing columnist E. Jean Carroll and awarded her $5 million in a judgment, the jury also found that what Donald Trump did to E. Jean Carroll was rape. He was convicted by a unanimous 12-person jury that found him guilty of fraudulently disguising installments as corporate legal expenses in violation of New York law.

Attorney General James won a groundbreaking victory in a case against Donald Trump and his sons and ordered them to pay more than $450 Million because of fraudulent activities where he “exaggerated his net worth by as much as $2.2 billion in any given year.” Trump seeking the presidency, at the same time, was banned from serving as an officer or director of any New York company for three years. Trump has many other perceived and actual charges not mentioned here. Others in his sphere are also facing legal consequences.

The list of ex-Trump Lawyers who are facing legal outcomes includes Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis, Kenneth Chesebro, James Troupis, John Eastman, Christina Bobb, Jeffrey Clark, Sidney Powell, Michael Cohen, Alina Habb, Cleta Mitchell, and others. Trump told a despicable wicked lie that legal Haitian residents were eating people’s pets. In the midst of two of the most severe hurricanes, Trump lied about the federal government hurricane response.

In the Blue Corner, we have Vice President Kamala Harris. “She always fights for the people – from her barrier-breaking time as District Attorney of San Francisco and Attorney General of California to proudly serving as a United States Senator and the Vice President.” Vice President Harris has fought for the people of California and the United States of America for most of her adult life.

Vice President Harris “has also represented the United States abroad – embarking on more than a dozen foreign trips, traveling to more than 19 countries, and meeting with more than 150 world leaders to strengthen critical global alliances. The Biden/Harris administration “capped the cost of insulin at $35 a month for seniors, cut prescription prices, and improved maternal health by expanding postpartum care through Medicaid.

They passed the first meaningful gun safety law in three decades. Forming a bipartisan coalition, they enacted a $1 trillion investment in the country’s infrastructure to remove every lead pipe in America and make the most significant investment in public transit, repairing bridges, and high-speed Internet in history.” The Biden/Harris administration passed the Bi-parison Chips in America Act to bill chips for our semiconductor industry. There are so many other achievements.

Therefore, if you love The United States, you will vote for the candidate with intellect, foresight, character, empathy, and honesty. It would be best for America if you voted for Vice President Kamla Harris for president. Now, let’s go to the polls and vote.

For The Sake Of The Innocent- Give Me A Leser Evil Please

I read that “A campaigning group called on Muslim voters Monday to punish Vice President Kamala Harris for “overseeing” the Israel-Hamas war and turn out to back Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein instead.” The Muslim groups who seek to punish Vice President Harris by turning out to back Jill Stein are also voting to PUNISH your families here in America and your families back in your homelands. I understand how many Muslims feel about the genocidal loss of life and the devastating destruction of infrastructures in Gaza and the greater Middle East.

I understand your feelings and points of view; however, with known facts as outlined in Trump’s Project 2025, and the horrendously violent statements that regularly come out of his mouth, who will be the greater danger to your families? The campaign stated “We are not choosing between a greater evil and a lesser evil,” you are right, by voting for Jill Stein, you are voting for the ultimate EVIL.

If Trump is elected, he will round up immigrants, both legal and illegal, by the millions and put them in deportation camps. Trump is calling for an extraordinary expansion of the war in the Middle East. YOUR FAMILIES IN THE WAT ZONE would experience unimaginable levels of death and destruction as a result of Trump’s action. He will release the criminals who attacked the seat of America’s legislative power on January 6, 2021. He will permit racist bigoted groups to racially profile and threaten communities of color with impunity?

In closing, for the sake of our people and global humanity, we must engage in “Emotional Intelligent Voting.” With a heavy heart, I will choose A Leser Evil and continue the Fight for Change.

A Response That Can Change The World As We Know It

In retaliation to the expansion of the war against Lebanon, Iran fired more than 180 ballistic missiles at Israel on Tuesday. The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu swore that Iran would pay for the attack. Globally, many analysts worry is concerning that Israel may attempt to attack Iranian nuclear sites.

United States President Joe Biden said, “he does not support Israel striking Iran’s nuclear sites in response to the missile attack against its people.” Further, President Biden, in calls to the G7 leaders stated that they “supported Israel – to a point.” The G-7, which includes the United States, Canada, Britain, Italy, France, Germany, and Japan, settled that “Israel has a right to respond proportionally.”

Although Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his war department have largely disregarded the U.S. recommendations thus far, the State Department spokesman Matthew Miller mentioned that “the U.S. would continue discussing with Israel what form its response to Iran would take.”

Let’s be clear, no one will win if any country attacks nuclear sites. War itself is dirty and pollutes the water we drink and the air that we all breathe; however, an attack on Iran’s nuclear sites in the densely populated Middle East, would have catastrophic consequences through the regent.

The attack on nuclear sites would also release a significant amount of ionizing radiation, resulting in severe burns and fatalities and leading to acute radiation sickness. Long-term exposure could increase cancer risks and cause genetic damage.

The Environmental Impact caused by an attack on nuclear sites would release large amounts of smoke and soot into the atmosphere, potentially leading to a “nuclear winter” scenario. This could result in drastic climate changes, affecting agriculture and food supplies.

The destruction of infrastructure, combined with radiation exposure, would overwhelm medical facilities and emergency services. There would be a massive displacement of people, leading to a humanitarian crisis. The Middle Regent would face long-term economic challenges due to the loss of infrastructure, and workforce, and the costs associated with cleanup and rebuilding. Social structures would be severely disrupted, with long-lasting psychological impacts on the population.

Point of fact, approximately 20% of the global oil supply passes through the Strait of Hormuz, which connects the Persian Gulf with the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea. This makes it one of the most critical chokepoints for global energy security. Any significant interruption in this supply chain would be devastating to economies worldwide.

The G7 leaders and other interested parties must encourage Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his war department to step back from the scenarios mentioned above (the abyss) and, as President Biden proposed, Israel must seek proportionate actions in this very critical situation and this historically critical time.

At the end of the day, we all would want to be on the RIGHT SIDE of history.

If You Want To Know Who Side I am On; Well, I am On The Side Of Humanity (SOH)

I support global peace and personal security for all of humanity; consequently, I will support any one who supports humanity with their Words and their Deeds. It is an accepted fact that every country and all people in the world have a right to defend themselves. However, there is a central question that must be asked and must be answered. Specifically, when does a nation’s or an individual’s action cross over from proportionate legitimate defense to genocidal disproportionality?

SOH is bounded by twin factors of morality and justice for all. Every person on this planet must be protected by international humanitarian laws and have their right to life respected. No nation or individuals can be exempted or be given a license to kill with impunity.

When it comes to protecting human rights, I will never allow IDEOLOGY nor IDIOTOLOGY undermine facts! I am a global Defender of Human Rights, and I will accept all people, ill regardless to race, creed, or religious background, or color. Specifically, those who are willing to adhere to the principles of the Humanist. I believe in a progressive philosophy of life that affirms our ability and responsibility to ethics and equity.

I will not tolerate practices or methods of atrocities that include any of the following: Enslavement; Genocide; Murder; Massacres; Dehumanization; Human Experimentation; Extrajudicial Punishments/Killing; Collective Punishment; Military use of Children; Child Molestation; Human Trafficking; Kidnappings; Unjust imprisonment; Cannibalism; Torture; Rape; Racial, Political, or Religious Persecution; and any other Inhumane Acts.