Illegal Under International Law Is Illegal

All PEACE loving Americans must demand that the IRS comprehensively investigate the money trails of any U.S. tax-exempt charitable organizations that send funds to illegal foreign groups.

It is the understanding of some U.S. non-profit organizations that they are not required to specify the destination of tax-exempt funds sent out of the country.

It is very dangerous for our government to allowed U.S. tax-exempt organizations to transfer money to non-U.S. organizations that won’t say where the money comes from or where it ends up. If these kinds of actions are legal; they shouldn’t be, and the laws in this regard must be changed to protect the safety of U.S. citizens abroad as well as the overarching interest of our nation.

Moreover, our Democratic government must never allow U.S. tax-exempt organizations to support any individual, group or nation that occupy territories that are illegal under international law.

I am sure that all fair-minded American would object to U.S. tax-exempt monies being used to support borderline terrorist whether they are individuals, or groups  – This Is Never OK.