Daily Archives: July 5, 2018

Citizens of the United States of America Must Demand Taxation Equity

The so-called Republican “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” amounts to the single most substantial reduction of the corporate tax rate in U.S. history. It permanently slashes the rates at which corporations pay taxes from 35 percent to 21 percent. Based on recent data, the reduction of the corporate tax rate amounts to a $1.3 trillion tax cut over the next decade.

If this impacts you in any way, try not to panic. Taxes can be confusing enough as it is, with having to contact accountants like Dave Burton to help file tax extensions and refunds. However, with the below information, you’ll hopefully understand what impact this reform will have.

Before the American historical tax giveaway by Trump and the Republican Party, the world community was given a gift documenting an illegal money laundering networks of the global elite. These documents are known as the “Panama Papers” which consist of 11.5 million leaked documents

These documents known as the “Panama Papers” were “leaked to journalists from a law firm in Panama that created shell companies in which large corporations and wealthy individuals from around the world parked their money out of the view of their governments and their governments’ tax collectors.” Continue reading Citizens of the United States of America Must Demand Taxation Equity