Reparations4Education Part-Two

The CASE for Reparations4Education: During the pre-civil period in the United States, anti-literacy laws were a primary strategy used by southerners to dehumanize and control the enslaved Black PEOPLE. Anti-literacy laws were an extension of the scandalous slave code system.

Of all the countries that had enslaved people, the United States is the only country known to have prohibited the education of the enslaved. The concept of forbidding Black People an education was designed to keep them in the lowest state of degradation and ignorance. Racial disparities existed then as it exists today.

Moreover, funding of Reparations4Education will allow African-American/Blacks to “Break the Cycle” of a systemic miseducation system. This will be accomplished by building a “Culturally-Congruent” afro-centric education model to serve the dedicated educational needs of Black People. Below, lets’ look at a government-funded model that has worked to build the strength and power of one of America’s closes ally.

It is a globally known fact that the United States provides a yearly military aid package to the state of Israel. The $4+ billionin annual U.S. military aid to Israel doesn’t go to Israel as a cash allotment. The Annual American aid package goes to a select group of U.S. arms dealers to pay for weapons that are given directlyto Israel.

It is our collective duty to pay close attention to geopolitical policies that affect world peace and U.S. interest. Case in point, Israel is considered to be a significant U.S. ally; consequently, the U.S. aid has positioned Israel to be the most potent military force in the Middle East.

Those that read this article may wonder what the annual U.S. military aid package to Israel has to do with “Reparations For Education” for Afrodescendants  people in the United States of America! First and foremost, Afrodescendants Melaninated people in the U.S have never received compensation for the horrific, brutal, inhumane, psychological and physical damage forced upon our forefathers and mothers.

The genocidal treatment of our Africans Ancestors covered the timeline of Trans-Atlantic slave trade and American enslavement from 1619 to 1865 and beyond. The aid to support “Reparations For Education” will enable African-American/Blacks, over time, to become one of America’s most potent scholarly forces. The return on investment from supporting Reparations4Education is remarkable. Case Study: “Mrs. Oral Lee Brown’s 1987 Contract with 23 first-graders in an inner-city Oakland, CA school.”

Entities tied to the U.S. government, Corporation interest, and wealthy individuals are still responsible for gross injustices done to our ancestries and ourselves. Sick individuals kidnapped, shackled, shipped, auctioned, imprisoned, tortured, raped, lynched, and legally forced into illiteracy, poverty, and second-class U.S. citizenship.

There is a growing global awareness that addressing past injustices is a crucial part of the process of healing and reconciliation. African People were brought to America and forced to work without compensation in a land that was foreign to them and their culture. There are also long-term international laws related to payments of Reparations.

African-American/Blacks will hold the American Government, Shipping companies, significant corporate interest, insurance companies, identified families, and all others that were involved in the vicious demonic enterprise of enslavement of our people accountable without exception! More importantly, Afrodescendants  will use the Israel model to obtain resources required to establish our Reparations for Education program.

We will demand that the United States provide a yearly aid package to Afro-Descendants in America to set up our national scholarship fund. The annual amount that we will request is to be determined. Similar to the annual U.S. military aid package to Israel, funds requested will not be given directly to any individual.

Funds for the Annual American’s Afro-Descendants scholarship aid package will be placed in morally responsible and highly credible U.S. financial institutions and consequently paid directly to U.S. State Colleges and Universities for the education of descendants of former enslaved Black people in America.

The strategy of Reparation for Education is a win; win for both the U.S government and Afro-descendants communities in America. Education will perpetuate the beginning of the end of economic inequality. The return on this investment will pay for itself in a very few years; hence, it will produce an educated Afro-descendants population that will contribute significantly to research, development, and economic growth that has made the U.S. the greatest nation in the world.

Note: Domestic and offshore tax haven cost American taxpayers billions if not trillions of dollars every year. The U.S must use the information provided by the recently released 11.5 million documents known as the “Panama Papers” to close the domestic and foreign tax loopholes and reclaim revenue lost to offshore Tax Havens.

The U.S. must immediately identify U.S. citizens listed in the Panama Papers and recapture the approximately two trillion dollars determined by document release. Other well-known offshore tax havens used by tax dodgers include Bermuda, Cayman Islands, and Seychelles.

It is a fact that most of our elected officials have known about offshore slush funds and tax havens for several years. The question is if they know about these illegal activities, why aren’t they doing anything to protect the interest of those of us who have elected them?

As we move toward November 3, 2020, national elections, we must demand that every candidate acknowledges what they know and when they knew, and more importantly, when are they going to bring funds back on-shore.

Politicians must commit to ending the kind of high-tech thieveryouted by the Panama Papers by all tax havens, both foreign and domestic period. Let’s make our votes count; therefore, we must elect quality candidates whose mission is to develop an equitable tax accountability system and work to provide a higher quality of life for all families.

Reparations4Education’s principal goal is to stimulate and increase “Higher Educational Attainments,”; thereby reducing income inequality for members of America’s Afrocentric communities. African-Americans have suffered immensely as a result of the genocidal enslavement of our people in the U.S. Many other groups have endured pain at a much lesser rate and have received reparations.

If the U.S. government leaders are willing to provide billions annually in U.S. military aid used to kill and destroy, they surely must be ready to provide support (Reparation4Education) used for growth and development. Therefore, Black people want full-freedom, and Reparations4Educations will provide us full-freedom that will not be Racialized!