American Will Not Allow The 2020 Presidential Elections To Be “Willie Lynched “Again

American Will Not Allow The 2020 Presidential Elections To Be “Willie Lynched “Again

It is a widely accepted fact that Russia “Willie Lynched” the 2016 U.S. Presidential election in favor of Donald Trump. It is also a fact that Russia used its’ Internet Research Agency influence operations to disenfranchise African-Americans/Black voters specifically.

As “Willie Lynch said during a speech to white slave owners on the James River bank in 1712, you must pitch the OLD BLACK MALE vs. the YOUNG BLACK MALE and the YOUNG BLACK MALE against the OLD BLACK MALE. You must use the Dark Skin Slaves vs. the Light Skin Slaves and the Light Skin Slaves vs. the Dark Skin Slaves. You must use the Female vs. the Male, and the Male vs. the Female.”

Using “Willie Lynch’s modus operandi, Russia aims to manipulate and inoculate Black people against voting using racial hatred, fear, suspicion, and envy. As we all know, life is the perception or deception of reality; therefore, Russia uses its’ disinformation and social control campaigns to manipulate the American people. Their strategy of turning Americans against each other by exploiting their differences.

Russia has also continued to scrutinize the U.S hyperpolarized racial divide. Their goal is to legitimize African-Americans’ racial grievances to exploit the Black vote. Russia’s hidden hand is involved in the protest movement across America.

Know with information sources. Again, Russians are using fake Facebook, Twitter, and Google ads to sustained their cyberattacks to deceive the American voters generally and Black Americans specifically. Fact, during the 2016 election, a total of 251 contacts between Trump’s team and Russia-linked operatives were identified, including at least 37 meetings”.

For years, the digital infrastructure that serves the United States has been literally under both internal and external attacks. However, the Trump Administration has shown little curiosity regarding expanding our cybersecurity and has provided minimum efforts to protect it.

Let’s be clear; Russian’s strategy is to disenfranchise Black and brown people of their rights to vote; more importantly, they aim to undermine the U.S.’s democracy! To protect our democracy moving forward, The United States of America must address the stench of systemic racism head-on.

Voting for our next president is Different This Time; therefore, Americans must encourage all family members and friends to be “Emotional Intelligent Voters.”

We must elect a president with empathy and self-respect. We need Real Political leaders that can put themselves in their VOTERS’ shoes, thus promoting more thoughtful and deliberate decisions. We must vote for the candidate who will provide us and those we love with a positive way forward and use the bountiful wealth of this nation to improve lives and remove our pain. We need a president who has the will and fortitude to smash the national and global COVIS-19 pandemic; moreover, we need a president to bring back a sense of normality.