2016 U S Presidential Election

Once again, I am here to remind the world that “Black Votes Matters” ©MID. It is not too early to prepare for the upcoming the United States presidential election on Tuesday, November 8, 2016. The Honorable civil rights leader Ms. Fannie Lou Hamer believed that blacks could change their political and economic conditions if they could vote for the candidates who would best serve them and their interest. Ms. Hamer was right and now that we have the right to vote, like all other interest groups, our vote will not be taken for granted. We will, in all respects, make our votes work for our interest because Black votes improve Black lives.

We must never forget that our ancestors fought against all odds and in some cases, died for our right to vote. Those in power have always known the “Power and Impact of the Black Vote”. The great Harry Belafonte, a fearless civil rights leader in his own rights, once said, along our way to total empowerment, we blinked. Moving forward, we will not blink; however, we will use the power of the Black Vote to redirect our destiny. We will not allow any form of so-call voter suppression schemes get in our way.

Fannie Lou Hamer once said that we must move forward with our eyes wide open. Consequently, never again will allow ourselves be bamboozled by the misleading media mafia heads that spread hate, incitement and polarization. We will not succumb to miss interpretations of the facts of our times.

It is not a question of if African-Americans will vote in the U.S. presidential election on November 8, 2016; the question will be how many records we will break across the nation by us voting in such large numbers. Now is time to REMOVE ALL BARRIERS that may hinder our ability to cast our votes on 11-8-16. Let me make this very clear, “Black Vote Matters” Today, Tomorrow, and Forever. This message is brought to you by the “Black Votes Matters “campaign ©MID.