Black People Globally, Will Accept No Less Than 100% Equity period. Therefore, I Enthusiastically Agree with the Narrative/Theme put forth on Saturday, October 10, 2015, at the 20th anniversary of the “Million Man March,” We Demand “Justice or Else.”
Through racist legislation; Black people in America have endured, at the hand of white Americans, the most Torturous Treatment known to mankind. Black people withstood three hundred seventy-three years of enslavement in America; one hundred and five years of the separate but equal doctrine; and ninety-eight years of Jim Crow. Regarding the Separate but Equal doctrine; historical records will demonstrate that the black and white people were separate, but never equal.
Black Americans have had Enough and will not continue to accept the perpetual racial marginalization of our People. Until Black people have both the confidence in system-wide fairness, and achieve affirmative access to legal, economic, employment, housing, and educational services; America as a nation will not be made whole.
From the very beginning of enslavement of Black Lives in America, our labor, our intellectual properties, our dignity and our humanity have been ripped from our souls. This action has been and enacted through hatefulness, deceitfulness, fraud, greed, and the eager to embracement of white supremacy. We cannot go back and correct the past; however, moving forward, we will demand that our full unfettered human and legal rights to be protected and respected at all times in all spaces. Therefore, we will accept no less than 100% Equity!
Facts of Life for People of Color in American:
(A) 26% of African-American/Blacks people in the USA are living in poverty;
(B) 2x Black unemployment is twice that of Whites;
(C) 60% of people in Prison are Black & Latino
(D) 32% of Native American Youth under 18 live in poverty
(E) 28hrs from now police will have murdered someone Black
Habitually, there have been a premeditated scheme designed and executed by politicians, bankers, insurance agencies, corporations, police agencies, educational entities, housing authorities, and others to rob, steal, and deny African Americans/Blacks and people of color access to power and full economic, civil, and human rights.
In spite of the demonic Black Codes laws of 1865 and 1866, Jim Crow, and other repressive laws; by 1888, Black People had built approximately 200 Black Thriving Townships across America. Some of the well-known towns included Blackdom, New Mexico; Hobson City, Alabama; Allensworth, California; Rentiesville, Oklahoma, Unionville, Maryland, Perry, Florida and most famous, Tulsa, Oklahoma AKA ”Black Wall Street”.
The facts about “Black Wall Street” is a Big Budget, Big Screen Movie in the MAKING.
The Narrative for the movie will speak to how “Black Walls Street” achieved its’ tremendous success on all levels of humanity, economics empowerment, and community affairs. Black Wall Street, like all the townships mentioned above was destroyed through racial violence and injustice at the hands of evil, malicious and jealous white people. Moreover, like some nations treat people in today’s world, this viciousness was leveled against innocent, defenseless people with near global impunity.
Black Americans played a vital role in building this nation. We fought, bled and died in every American war to protect the interest of the United States of America. Like anyone, Black People are eager to live and prosper without illegal economic and/or social impediments. Since the days of the emancipation proclamation through the Civil Rights struggles, until the present day; Black people have been continually cautioned to be patient regarding race and equity. Though out our history in America, Black Lives have received less than full protection under the law.
Americans of all races have a collective moral obligation to respect the ethical and racial difference in our public discourse. Black people fully understand that equality, inevitably threatens people that have historically benefitted from power obtained through unearned white privilege. From this point forward, African-American/Black strategic goal is the achievement of 100% Equity with the “Fierce Urgency of Now”!
As we move forward in the 21st century, every American has an opportunity to join the Moral Human Society and be on the right side of history. Those that want to hold on to heathenism and barbarism will do so at their own risk. If you don’t know by now, I am here to tell you that: Human beings were created different than; however, no-one was created better than!
The perpetuation of ignorance, arrogance and racism will not stand in our collective “Moral World Order”. If there is anyone that think that the Global Black Family deserves less than 100% Equity; please contact me to discuss how you reached your idiotic conclusion on this matter.
I will stand with any man or woman, regardless of race, creed or color, it they stand on the side of Peace, Justice, and Humanity. “One Love”…