The World Need To Know Dr. Umar Johnson

Dr. Umar Johnson is a Black Psychologist and National Certified School Psychologist based in Philadelphia Pa. Dr. Johnson is a Blood relative of the great Fredrick Douglas.

This brave and well-respected Brother, Dr. Umar Johnson, is the 21st century Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He has a message and a solution for the success of African-America/Black Children. Although I respect positive works of all Black people; Dr. Johnson is exceptional. He is not Ball players or an Entertainer; however, he is a VOICE for our Black Family World-Wide.

Dr. Johnson is an unselfish, though provoking leader that must be supported by all African-American/Black people. As we move forward to Boycott both Thanksgiving and Christmas, we must put our resources behind the ideas and mission of Dr. Umar Johnson. He has the solutions for saving our next generation of Black Children. Act Now.;     

These are just a few of the must-see videos by Dr. Umar Johnson. Take time to view the complete videos and you will come out a changed, more enlighten black men or women. Your life will change, and your action to make a different in the lives of our children will begin! We need a 21st-century approach to change a 1492 mind-set. I Love this young Brother and after listening to his messages, You Will Love him Also…