Monthly Archives: May 2021

When Proportionate Legitimate Defense Become Genocidal Disproportionality

The latest news stated that “Israeli ground forces joined attack on Gaza on Friday, representing a major escalation of the conflict between Israel and Palestinian militants as they edged toward all-out war.” Let’s be clear, people, this is not a war; it’s a massacre. Israel has the most sophisticated weapon systems in existence. Israel also controls the airspace and the territorial waters of the Gaza Strip. This situation limits Palestinian’s rights to freedom of movement and impairs Gaza’s ability to carry out foreign trade.

Israeli ground forces attacks on Gaza is very similar to the slow-motion murder of George Floyd in front of the eyes of global humanity. The world community must stand up and speak out against this pending slaughter of human beings. Mainstream media must not try to indicate that there is some level of equivalency here! Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is facing criminal charges, appears to use the airstrikes and ground forces against Gaza to save his political career and stave off his corruption allegations.

“According to the health ministry in Gaza, 103 people were killed, including 27 children and 11 women, while 580 people were wounded.” “In Israel, there have been six Israelis killed, including a six-year-old child.” Just like the January 6, 2021 insurrection at the Capitol Building in Washington DC, It appears that what we are witnessing in Israel/Gaza conflict is a total collapse of the rule of law.

Israel, like any nation, has the right to defend itself; however, when does a nation’s or an individual’s action cross over from proportionate legitimate defense to genocidal disproportionality? Its’ time for leaders from around the WORLD to say full-throatily that enough is enough. If world leaders don’t do anything, they become complicit in this rapidly developing genocide.

Senators, Please, It’s Not About You

I have a message for Senator Jon Tester of Montana, Senator, Kyrsten Sinema, of Arizona, Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia. It’s not about YOU; It’s “For the People.” I know that you are aware of the games the Republicans played during former President Obama’s Administration. Former President Obama made a concerted effort to work in a bipartisan manner. Republicans pretended to want to work with him; however, in the end, they voted against him at every turn.

I ask that you all don’t turn your back on the American people. History is in the making, and “we the people” need you to be on the right side of history. Your future collective votes will either save this democracy or hand it over to the demons.

If either of you is waiting for the Republicans to be bipartisan, please listen to statements made by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. “McConnell said the bill would not get a single Senate GOP vote, despite the White House’s bipartisan outreach”.

 If you need any clarification regarding Republicans’ support, McConnell has given you the answer. You were elected to serve the needs of the American people. As I stated earlier, its’ not about you. Now is your time to be “For The People.”

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell told you all you need to know. Democratic Senators Jon Tester, Kyrsten Sinema, and Joe Manchin of West Virginia, its’ time to VOTE yes on:

H.R.7120 [116th]George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2020
3.H.R.1 [117th]For the People Act of 2021
4.S.914 [117th]Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Act of 2021
5.H.R.127 [117th]Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act
6.H.R.5 [117th]Equality Act
7.S.937 [117th]COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act
8.H.R.6 [117th]American Dream and Promise Act of 2021
9.S.Amdt.1456 [117th]S.Amdt.1456 to S.Amdt.1445
10.H.R.842 [117th]Protecting the Right to Organize Act of 2021