My Question is; Who Paid for This Vicious Incomprehensible Wick Act?

Report: “Nigeria Army Kills 300 in Crackdown on Shi’ites
Military Accuses Shi’ites of Plotting to Assassinate General” –  by Jason Ditz, December 14, 2015
It Would Have To Take a Severely Strong Dose of Premeditated Misinformation Coupled With a Void of Pity or Compassion to Cause Some Brothers/Sisters to Brutally Murder Other Brothers/Sisters With Such a High Level of Heartless Thinking and Empty Spirit…
These are Question that Must be Asked and Answered; Who Paid for this Genocide and Why? Where did these Killers get their Weapons? Where THEY Attempting to Embarrass and Belittle the New and Very Pro-People, Pro-Growth, Different Kind of President, Mr. Muhammadu Buhari? It Will not Be Business as Usual with This President; therefore, Morality will Win in The End! ©MID 12-14-2015