Category Archives: Uncategorized

Illegal Under International Law Is Illegal

All PEACE loving Americans must demand that the IRS comprehensively investigate the money trails of any U.S. tax-exempt charitable organizations that send funds to illegal foreign groups.

It is the understanding of some U.S. non-profit organizations that they are not required to specify the destination of tax-exempt funds sent out of the country.

It is very dangerous for our government to allowed U.S. tax-exempt organizations to transfer money to non-U.S. organizations that won’t say where the money comes from or where it ends up. If these kinds of actions are legal; they shouldn’t be, and the laws in this regard must be changed to protect the safety of U.S. citizens abroad as well as the overarching interest of our nation.

Moreover, our Democratic government must never allow U.S. tax-exempt organizations to support any individual, group or nation that occupy territories that are illegal under international law.

I am sure that all fair-minded American would object to U.S. tax-exempt monies being used to support borderline terrorist whether they are individuals, or groups  – This Is Never OK.

My Question is; Who Paid for This Vicious Incomprehensible Wick Act?

Report: “Nigeria Army Kills 300 in Crackdown on Shi’ites
Military Accuses Shi’ites of Plotting to Assassinate General” –  by Jason Ditz, December 14, 2015
It Would Have To Take a Severely Strong Dose of Premeditated Misinformation Coupled With a Void of Pity or Compassion to Cause Some Brothers/Sisters to Brutally Murder Other Brothers/Sisters With Such a High Level of Heartless Thinking and Empty Spirit…
These are Question that Must be Asked and Answered; Who Paid for this Genocide and Why? Where did these Killers get their Weapons? Where THEY Attempting to Embarrass and Belittle the New and Very Pro-People, Pro-Growth, Different Kind of President, Mr. Muhammadu Buhari? It Will not Be Business as Usual with This President; therefore, Morality will Win in The End! ©MID 12-14-2015


People Worldwide are running for cover seeking to miss the madmen’s mess. Although the madmen/women maintain the majority ownership of material wealth across the entire world, they can’t enjoy their near unanimous control over people, places, and things because they don’t know how to love themselves; therefore, they have no compassion for nor love any other.

Their thirst for blood and their distribution of unearned pain is part of their breeding. Because they think acts of kindness are a form of weakness, they also think that exploitation must rule the day. With this kind of mentality, there can never be peace in their world.

They don’t understand that simplicity is not the answer when it comes to complex issues of local, national, and global dysfunctionalities. Consequently, People of Peace must not allow childlike inexperienced simple minded politicians and other so-called leaders to sow hostilities, fear, and paranoia among the global populist to solidify support for their narrow-minded bigotry. Continue reading PEACE WILL BE POSSIBLE WHEN JUSTICE IS UNIVERSAL

I Trust Hillary Rodham Clinton

I listened to President Barack Obama speech today, July 1, 2016, in which he gave a “full thought” endorsement of Hilary Rodon Clinton to become the next President of the United States. After listening to OUR President, I thought about an article that I wrote on November 11, 2015 and decided to re-post. Although our words are somewhat different, our core message is the same. This demonstrates that both the President and I are first and foremost, looking out for the best interest of the United States and ALL its’ people.

This is a re-post from one posted November 11, 2015. I

I Trust Hillary Rodham Clinton to be the next president of the United States of America, and this is why. Hilary is a practicing lawyer and she was a law professor. Hilary served five terms as First Lady of Arkansas; she served two terms as First Lady of the United States of America; served as a United States Senator from New York from January 3, 2001 to January 21, 2009; she served as U.S. Secretary of State, and she is a long-term human rights activist and human services volunteer.

There is absolutely no comparison between Hilary Clinton’s body of political, legal, and humanitarian work and that of any of her opponents on either side of the aisle; therefore, she will be elected as Madam President in 2016.

I see Hillary Rodham Clinton as a person of high principles and I know that she loves and respect this nation and its laws. She has had to negotiate major foreign policies issues with world leaders and has put in millions of miles traveling the globe representing the interest of United States. Continue reading I Trust Hillary Rodham Clinton

Circumstance of Skin Color


The less than favorable conditions of far too many of my brothers and sisters coupled with the pain they are experiencing daily in America is opposite of the tenants in “The Black Code“, written by Angela Davis. The fact is, when brothers and sisters have to compete against both privilege and man plus the heavy-hand of law ENFORCEMENT, our chances of success are minimized. Yes, Circumstance of Skin Color can put us in a colorize world which causes our chances to be minimized, We know this to be true; however, only we can deny ourselves a chance to try to do and be better than. Better is any step, big or small, that get you closer to our deserved level of humanity. It is a requirement that Melaninated people all over the world continue to take back to our own historical and self-defined reality…©Mansour Id-Deen


We Must Say No To All Forms Of Criminal Incitement

I read an interesting article that stated that “Some 20,000 Israelis have sued Internet giant Facebook in New York alleging the social media platform is disregarding incitement and calls to murder Jews being posted by Palestinians.”

I agree with the Israelis’ basic position on this matter; however, charges of incitement cannot be selectively driven. It appears that some laws regarding incitement are too weak and seemly are not enforced equally in ways required to protect the rights of all individuals or groups.

When I read this article, I immediately thought of the horrendous and inhumane levels of incitement that have been leveled against President Obama and the First Family. Some so-called right-wing groups and even some mainstream Republicans, Presidential Candidates included, have uttered insults and malicious speech that rise to the level of incitement. The term for this action by politicians is called Dog Whistle Politics; which is a type of political speech that uses inflammatory Racialized Coded Language to attack mainly people of color. Continue reading We Must Say No To All Forms Of Criminal Incitement

100% Equity Across The Board And Across The Globe

Black People Will Accept No Less Than 100% Equity Across the Board, Across This Nation And Across The Globe…

“In a speech on Friday October 23-15 at the University of Chicago, FBI Director James Comey made headlines by advancing the “Ferguson effect” as a real and self-evident phenomenon, claiming that increased public scrutiny of police abuse was leading to a “surge” in violent crime”.

Director Comey further stated that “police are just laying back and not fighting crime so hard, especially in black neighborhoods, because they don’t want to be the next to come under scrutiny for abuse”. Continue reading 100% Equity Across The Board And Across The Globe

Haiti’s Earthquake and The Aristide Plan

What Have Haiti’s Earthquake Unmasked?

Haiti’s Voters, on Sunday, October 25, 2015, will go to the polls to choose among the 54 candidates seeking to become their next president. The mainstream media like to depict Haiti as the hemisphere’s poorest nation; however, geophysicists believe that Haiti is sitting on one of the world’s richest unexplored zones for hydrocarbons-oil and gas outside the Middle East, possibly orders of magnitude greater than that of nearby Venezuela.

In in 2004 former President Aristide developed and published in book form describing his national development plans. Aristide’s plan was to implement a public-private partnership to ensure that the development of Haiti’s oil, gold and other valuable resources would benefit the national economy and the broader population.

Moving forward, if individuals seeking to be the next President of Haiti don’t embrace the Aristide’s plan, they will have no moral rights or legitimacy to govern the Haitian people.

The Jan. 12, 2010 earthquake that killed more than 150,000 of Haiti’s beloved people unmasked some sinister secrets that most in the West have known for years. The earthquake revealed that Haiti has oil reserves the size of Venezuela’s or larger. Moreover, Haiti also has gigantic resources of Gold & Minerals like Iridium. For many years, the world community has labeled Haiti the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere at the time suppressing the news of its wealth. Continue reading Haiti’s Earthquake and The Aristide Plan

South Sudan – Mineral Rich Nation Sinfully Poor People

How can any nation be rich in natural resources, but its’ people are poor? All nations that fit this immoral description must answer this question.

I encourage South Sudan President Salva Kiir and former Vice President Riek Machar to agree to bring PEACE to all disputed regions in their country; not for themselves, but on the behalf of their people. Both leaders must not continue to let egotism, self-importance, arrogance and their senseless pride get in the way of the salvation for their people. Collaboration between President Salva Kiir and former Vice President Riek Machar is necessary to secure the peace and prosperity for all South Sudanese people. The people of the South Sudan have suffered far too much.

It has become a total embarrassment for the world to continue to witness how the two South Sudan leaders have demonstrated an obscene love of themselves and their personal interest rather than working to develop a progressive civil, social, and economic reality for the country. Their regressive actions have denied their citizens a basic degree of freedom, liberty, integrity, self-respect, humanity, and a higher quality of life. If the above statement is incorrect, someone, please shed light on my position. Continue reading South Sudan – Mineral Rich Nation Sinfully Poor People

Africa’s Orchestrated Chaos

African Leaders must collaborate to bring the African Continent out of this man-made and media inspired Orchestrated Chaos. Every African leader, regardless of Rank, must pledge to nationalize all natural of their resources. They must also pledge to use their countries’ natural resources to improve the quality of life for its entire people. Case in Point: “Sierra Leone is 203 out of 206 on the world’s poorest countries list; it’s also one of the 10 top diamond exporting countries in the world”. The situation noted above is preposterous on all levels.

In every conflict zone in Africa, Leaders must pledge to call a truce(s). The truce will enable them to begin immediately to save lives, improve their infrastructures; hence, improve the security, well-being, and quality of life for their people. Monies saved from the truce will enable African countries to reduce their foreign debt and bring their citizens out of poverty. I am sure that no African leaders would intentionally keep their citizens ImpoverishSuffering and in Pain. It has to be other reasons why so many of our African Brothers and Sisters living in resource-rich countries are existing on less that two dollars a day!

Those that are orchestrating chaos in Africa, both foreign and domestic, have proven to be incapable of feeling compassion for the suffering of African people. Foreign Arms merchants have created a system of Geopolitical upheaval, mayhem, and pandemonium that benefits a few local leaders while murdering and ripping millions of innocent African men, women, and children from their families, cultures, lands. Continue reading Africa’s Orchestrated Chaos