How Big Is
Your World…
If It Is Not
As Big
As The Pain
Being Felt
Around The
Then, It Is Not
Big Enough…
How Big Is
Your World…
If It Is Not
As Big
As The Pain
Being Felt
Around The
Then, It Is Not
Big Enough…
Continue reading Vote for What’s Morally Right or Vote for Personal Greed
The Affordable Care Act has provided almost 30 million Americans with “Healthcare Security”. The ACA is truly designed to provide medically inclusion services for the American People! If you are not a millionaire(s) or billionaire(s), the Affordable Care Act will help all Americans families survive both minor and catastrophic health challenges. “Improve ACA, Yes – Appeal ACA, No and this is why!
Listed below are eighteen (18) Key Provisions of Health Reform that have Taken Effect under the Affordable Care Act _ Key Provisions of Health Reform
1) Small Business Tax Credits – Offers tax credits to small businesses to make employee coverage more affordable. Tax credits of up to 35 percent of premiums will be available to firms that choose to offer coverage. (Beginning in 2014, the small business tax credits will cover 50 percent of premiums.)
2) No Discrimination Against Children with Pre-Existing Conditions – Prohibits new health plans in all markets plus grandfathered group health plans from denying coverage to children with pre?existing conditions. (Beginning in 2014, this prohibition would apply to all persons.)
3) Help for Uninsured American with Pre-Existing Conditions until Exchange is Available (Interim High-Risk Pool) – Provides access to affordable insurance for Americans who are uninsured because of a pre?existing condition through a temporary subsidized high-risk pool.
4) Ends Rescissions – Bans insurance companies from dropping people from coverage when they get sick.
5) Begins to Close the Medicare Part D Donut Hole – Provides a $250 rebate to Medicare beneficiaries who hit the donut hole in 2010.. (Beginning in 2011, institutes a 50 percent discount on prescription drugs in the donut hole; also completely closes the donut hole by 2020.)
6) Free Preventive Care under Medicare – Eliminates co?payments for preventive services and exempts preventive services from deductibles under the Medicare program.
7) Extends Coverage for Young People up to 26th Birthday through Parents’ Insurance – Requires new health plans and certain grandfathered plans to allow young people up to their 26th birthday to remain on their parents’ insurance policy, at the parents’ choice. In saying that, health insurance for married couple may be different and will need to be researched to understand this area better.
8) Help for Early Retirees – Creates a temporary re?insurance program (until the Exchanges are available) to help offset the costs of expensive premiums for employers and retirees for health benefits for retirees age 55?64.
9) Bans Lifetime Limits on Coverage – Prohibits health insurance companies from placing lifetime caps on coverage.
10) Bans Restrictive Annual Limits on Coverage – Tightly restricts the use of annual limits to ensure access to needed care in all new plans and grandfathered group health plans. These tight restrictions will be defined by HHS. (Beginning in 2014, the use of any annual limits would be prohibited for all new plans and grandfathered group health plans.)
11) Free Preventive Care under New Private Plans – Requires new private plans to cover preventive services with no co?payments and with preventive services being exempt from deductibles.
12) New, Independent Appeals Process – Ensures consumers in new plans have access to an effective internal and external appeals process to appeal decisions by their health insurance plan.
13) Ensures Value for Premium Payments – Requires plans in the individual and small group market to spend 80 percent of premium dollars on medical services, and plans in the large group market to spend 85 percent. Insurers that do not meet these thresholds must provide rebates to policyholders.
14) Community Health Centers – Increases funding for Community Health Centers to allow for nearly a doubling of the number of patients seen by the centers over the next 5 years..
15) Increases the Number of Primary Care Practitioners – Provides new investments to increase the number of primary care practitioners, including doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants.
16) Prohibits Discrimination Based on Salary – Prohibits new group health plans from establishing any eligibility rules for health care coverage that have the effect of discriminating in favor of higher wage employees.
17) Health Insurance Consumer Information – Provides aid to states in establishing offices of health insurance consumer assistance in order to help individuals with the filing of complaints and appeals.
18) Holds Insurance Companies Accountable for Unreasonable Rate Hikes – Creates a grant program to support States in requiring health insurance companies to submit justification for all requested premium increases, and insurance companies with excessive or unjustified premium exchanges may not be able to participate in the new Health Insurance Exchanges.
Americans elected politicians to work on our behalf and for our interest, not for the interest of Big Banks and Wealthy Individuals. We must collectively demand that our political leaders protect the ACA and stay no to the greedy and yes to the need for health insurance..
More than ever before in history, Melanin Rich People have an obligation to protect Global Melanin. Atrocities are being played out throughout the world, mostly inspired by historical global racism and remnants of colonialism, is working to destroy Melaninated people in the worst possible ways.
Melaninated people are being used to protect foreign interest; therefore, some members of our African family are without compassion when it comes to destroying other Melaninated people. The predators that are promoting this kind of Melanin on Melanin violent insanity must be exposed, held accountable, and severely punished for their horrendous inhumane acts of genocide.
Because of White Power structural and White Racism, we are losing Melaninated people by the thousands in countries throughout the world. This is specifically true in African states such as: Nigeria, South Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, Kenya, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Niger, Cote d’Ivoire, Angola, Mali and most importantly South Africa.
Continue reading Melaninated People Have An Obligation To Protect Global Melanin
African’s Revolutions For Human and Economic Justice Will Most Likely Be Televised.
Europeans came to South Africa to work for the Dutch East India Company, as farmers and merchants escaping from religious persecution. In the quest to settle on supple land, they realized how resourceful and communal the indigenous were. As an outsider, incapable of adapting to these cultures, they chose to use excessive force and brutal intimidation to steal the indigenous/aborigines’ lands and their natural resources. From 1948 until its abolition in the early 1990s, the world community witnessed, in silence and without remorse, years of hardship, suffering, and humiliation committed by the wicked South African apartheid regime and its foreign supporters against the South Africa’s original Black Population.
In 1994 when a coalition of majority Black and minority white government leaders officially ended the apartheid system, false promises of equality and peace surfaced in South Africa. As leadership was transitioning, it was discovered that a major failure of the African National Congress (ANC) was the acceptance of the dreaded “Truth & Reconciliation Commission”.
The so-called South African’s Truth & Reconciliation Commission (TCR) was a deceitful enterprise. The TRC was supported by several Western governments; the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. These entities helped create and sustain the racial dictatorship that came to be known as Apartheid. This same group of thieves persuaded the ANC leadership to place the interests of international financial investors above the needs of their own citizens. More importantly, they were also persuaded them to abandon their “Freedom Charter” that called for redistribution of South Africa’s wealth. Continue reading BLACK SOUTH AFRICANS DEMAND HUMAN AND ECONOMIC JUSTICE
Continue reading Don’t Be A Victim Of The Psychology of Confusion
Americans are at a critical juncture in the history of this nation. Politically speaking, at this very moment, important intelligence data is being shared with the presidential candidates of both major parties. More specifically, providing intelligence briefings to with the major party candidates is a historical practice at this junction in the race for the U.S. Presidency.
Concerns about sharing intelligence with the two major party candidates have been heightening because both have exhibited significant flows that bring into question their overall judgment. However, the Republican candidate has been proven to be a pathological liar that have unapologetically drained the life out of the truth.
He stands before the domestic and global public and lies straight into the camera’s lens. His glowing ignorant of facts and his discussing rhetoric that lacks sincerity or meaningful content is immediately transmit around the world. At times, the Republican presidential candidate’s sheer sanity has been questioned; therefore, he is far too dangerously close to immense power. Continue reading Critical Juncture in U.S. And Global History
Dangerously Close To Power
Prior to the November 8, 2016 presidential election, every American must ask themselves, does the Republican Party, presidential candidate, Donald J. Trump, have the intelligence, temperament, humanity, and most importantly the morality, be president of the United States of America! From the very beginning of his campaign, Donald Trump have received widespread un-earned free media coverage that ferried him to the top of the Republican ticket.
Mainstream media outlets have provided Trump with a platform to deliver a narrative of hate, bigotry, arrogant and overt racism. For this reason, this will be my last post regarding Trump’s junk.
As I stated before, by now it is common knowledge that Donald Trump is not fit for the presidency of the United States of America and his performance at the Republican convention gave us all full disclosure. To truly understand the mind-set of Donald Trump, you must pay very close attention the text (words)in his Tweets, speeches and comments and not his antics nor his twisted mouth.
Donald J. Trump has also proven to be an equal opportunity insulter by his brazen disrespect to his Democratic enemies and being a Frenemy to his so-called Republicans Friends. It is unquestionable that 99% of his followers don’t’ have anything in common with him. They must accept the fact that they are being used. Trump loves Trump and anyone else that allows him to use and abuse them. Continue reading Dangerously Close To Power
First and foremost I want to say; Life is the Perception or Deception of Reality. Thousands of times every day, people from around the world use their perception or deception of reality to formulate opinions that carry life and death consequences. Therefore, all members of our human family must learn to understand the power of words.
As of today, we must stop associating the term “black” with negative attributes. The results of recent events has been proven that deadly undertone encourage us to formulate reprehensible choices. Accordingly, we must stop using words like darkness and black to describe a negative event!
There is a Hidden Agenda for manipulating people to use the words such as darkness and black to describe evil acts. Consequently, these words become racially biased and reflect the culture around you that shape the very wiring of your brain. In today’s’ society, the words black or darkness is sometimes the psychological pathway that leads one to act based on inherent prejudice.
I challenge all of us to study the definition of the words black and white in dictionaries across the globe. As you will find, dictionaries depict a false categorization of black which leads to prejudice and stereotyping. We have historically maintained an unconscious view of the word black as negative. We view black as: “dangerous, evil, unclean, sad or gloomy, intimidating, unfriendly and unapproachable. Based on these definitions, the word black can generate an automatic stereotyping process that can trigger thoughts of Black People as violent and criminals beings.
Merely thinking about Blacks can lead some people to evaluate ambiguous behavior as aggressive, and miss-categorize harmless activities as criminal; hence, view harmless objects as weapons. This has caused too many non-Black police officers to shoot too quickly, and, most times, cause a loss of a Black life.
As we have witness time and time again, this kind of thinking, that is pervasive in our culture, has put black lives at risk over and over again. We must never again associate the mere words black or darkness when describing evil, danger, or destruction. For the sake of humanity; collectively, this kind of deadly association must be dropped from our vocabulary period.