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My Dear African Family 

We Must Forever Reject The Influences Of And The Calling

Of The Death Merchants. This Must Become Our

Common Will And It Will Be Done. 

We Must Stop The Persistent Flow Of The Killing Machines

Being Brought Into Our Communities And Our Worlds

By Out-Side Forces. 

 These, Killing Machines, Are Being Used To Take The Lives Of Our Young Men And Women,

Hence, Killing Our Communities, Our Countries, Our Nations and Our People! 

We Must Learn To Properly Utilize The Natural Resources

God Has Blessed Us With! 

We Must Rise Above The Foreign Planted

Petty Jealous, Envious and Self-Disaffection

That Keep Us From Rising Above Mediocrity. 

We Must Return To The Times When We Loved Our Brothers

Because, In Reality, We Must Be Our Brother/Sisters’ Supporter And

Really Want For Our Brothers/Sisters What We Want For Ourselves. 

God Grivet And God Takes Away, So Say The Scriptures.

God Has Tested And At The Same Time Been Very Tolerant And Patient With His African

Tribes Spread Out All Over The Globe. 

Now It Is Time That We Begin To Truly Do God’s Work

By Doing The Things, Being The People And

Living The Lives That God Has Long Wanted For Us To Achieve. 

Again, We Must Raise Our Level of CIVILITY Toward –

Our-Kind And We Will Receive

The Fruits That Are Truly God’s Will!

The Mystery Has Been Solved, We Are The Chosen Ones

Integration, America’s Greatest Misnomer

I was born and raised in a small segregated Texas town that had white only signs on the primary institution of justice, the County Court House. During my youth, in this apartheid state and city, every segment of society was segregated. Contrary to popular belief, as far as African-American/Black people are concerned, America has never achieved REAL integration.

The concept of integration is a perception and deception of reality that Americans have lived with since the Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown v. Board of Education ruling. I don’t believe that the dominant population ever intended to establish an integrated society. The following are standard dictionary definitions of integration: Continue reading Integration, America’s Greatest Misnomer

The World Need To Know Dr. Umar Johnson

Dr. Umar Johnson is a Black Psychologist and National Certified School Psychologist based in Philadelphia Pa. Dr. Johnson is a Blood relative of the great Fredrick Douglas.

This brave and well-respected Brother, Dr. Umar Johnson, is the 21st century Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He has a message and a solution for the success of African-America/Black Children. Although I respect positive works of all Black people; Dr. Johnson is exceptional. He is not Ball players or an Entertainer; however, he is a VOICE for our Black Family World-Wide. Continue reading The World Need To Know Dr. Umar Johnson

Dog Whistle Politics

Recently, an arrogant, classless, billionaire mogul name Rupert Murdoch questioned whether President Obama “Is Black ENOUGH”.  Murdoch also stated that “Ben Carson would be a ‘real black president”. Mr. Ben Carson, like President Obama, is certainly a black man; however, in my opinion, Carson is Black in Skin Color Only.

Murdock, the owner of Fox News Channel, the Fox broadcast network to the FX cable channel, 21st Century Fox, the FX cable channel and other media brands is either a closet racist or just ignorant.

My question to Rupert Murdoch is; does he have the moral capacity to respect the dignity of all Black people? Does he think America, which has been greatly beneficial to him, is moral ENOUGH to look itself in the face and apologize for its Horrific and Abominable racist past toward Black People?

Yes, Mr. Murdoch, Black People from around the world love President Barack H. Obama. Yes, he is Black Enough; however, Black People have had ENOUGH of this kind of back-door racism and this level of  Foolish Dog Whistle Politics.

No Less Than 100% Equity

Black People Globally, Will Accept No Less Than 100% Equity period. Therefore, I Enthusiastically Agree with the Narrative/Theme put forth on Saturday, October 10, 2015, at the 20th anniversary of the “Million Man March,” We Demand “Justice or Else.”

Through racist legislation; Black people in America have endured, at the hand of white Americans, the most Torturous Treatment known to mankind. Black people withstood three hundred seventy-three years of enslavement in America; one hundred and five years of the separate but equal doctrine; and ninety-eight years of Jim Crow. Regarding the Separate but Equal doctrine; historical records will demonstrate that the black and white people were separate, but never equal.

Black Americans have had Enough and will not continue to accept the perpetual racial marginalization of our People. Until Black people have both the confidence in system-wide fairness, and achieve affirmative access to legal, economic, employment, housing, and educational services; America as a nation will not be made whole. Continue reading No Less Than 100% Equity

Tea Party Members Continue To Aid And Abet In Their Own Demise

Someone asked me a rhetorical question; is The Tea Party Racist? Well, will a mad dog bite? Without a doubt, members of the Tea Party are Racist! Their deeds and actions since their inception have spewed racism all over America. The sad thing is; those low, middle income and poor people within the Tea Party have nothing in common with the Billionaires Bankrolling their ambitions.

Those Tea Party members that are hard-working, Medicare and food stamp receiving Americans that follow the likes of Rupert Murdoch and David and Charles Koch are the REAL fools. The Billionaires Tea Party puppeteers contribute money to educate, fund, and organize Tea Party activists that they ultimately use to turn their private corporate interest into a mass campaign slogans.

Rubbing shoulders with presidential candidates like Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee and talking heads; Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Sarah Palin don’t put food on their table nor will it help their sick child or relative get through crises. The Republican Tea Party must be giving out stupid pills because poor and low-wage workers, barely making ends meet, vote for a party that continues to give tax breaks to the wealthy.
Politicians that are Tea Partyers will vote to replace cuts for the wealthy by cutting the programs that benefit the lower and middle-income families. Over and over, Tea Party voters vote against their own interest and the interest of their children because of miss-information and racism. Continue reading Tea Party Members Continue To Aid And Abet In Their Own Demise

We Have To Save Our Own Lives

We Have To Save Our Own Lives And Reject The Perpetual Sickness Of Obesity Brought On By Bad Eating Habits and Bad Health Choices. African-American/Black Sedentary Lifestyle is Unsustainable and Must Give Way to Movement and Exercise.

First Lady Michelle Obama has worked very hard to educate Americans about healthy choices related to their food intake and the need to exercise. It is her continued goal to ensure that the whole family is moving forward toward a healthy lifestyle through healthy diets and exercise.

It is time for the rest of us to join the fight to save our own lives, make better food choices, and help end obesity and the health challenges it produces. Saturated fats, sugar, or artificial ingredients are major contributors to obesity; therefore, bit by bit and bite by bite, we must eliminate them from our diets. We can, and we will save our own lives. If you don’t know where to begin, sites like can provide a great start!

There are other risks of eating an unhealthy diet aside from obesity too. As any Dentist in Valencia will admit, regularly consuming high quantities of foods that are high in sugar or salt can cause oral health problems such as cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease. Ultimately, it is fundamental that we take steps to improve our diets and practice good oral hygiene habits. Many individuals think that being obese is just a matter of carrying extra weight, but it can lead to long term health complications such as peripheral artery disease. If you think you are experiencing peripheral artery disease symptoms, you should contact a physician as it can be treatable, but left untreated can cause extreme discomfort.

Continue reading We Have To Save Our Own Lives

South Africans Aborigines/Blacks Achieved A Political Revolution, The Economic Revolution Is Still Pending

In January 1990, Nelson Mandela wrote: “The nationalization of the mines, banks, and monopoly industries is the policy of the ANC, and a change or modification of our views in this regard is inconceivable. Black economic empowerment is a goal we fully support and encourage, but in our situation state control of certain sectors of the economy is unavoidable.”

There is no doubt that Nelson Mandela was an Honorable man. However, the Mandela that spent 27 years in South Africa’s prison under harsh, oppressive, and inhumane circumstances was not the same Mandela that walked out. He gave of himself in ways we will never really know; on the other hand, we do know that he gave his life expanding the quality of Black civilization..

The world will continue to honor this giant of a man; however, the Melaninated disenfranchised original inhabitants of  South Africa must examine the Economical way forward for the majority Black Population. I am referring to the earliest known natives that inhabited this land before the arrival of European settler colonists.
Continue reading South Africans Aborigines/Blacks Achieved A Political Revolution, The Economic Revolution Is Still Pending


In light of the President’s historic agreement and political victory; hawkish member of the U.S. Congress and their financial puppeteers are still attempting hijack the Iran nuclear deal. Their political nastiness is playing out at the same time that International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has reported substantial progress as we move toward implementation of the deal. Moreover; the IAEA has consistently reported that their engagement with Iran is “very productive”.

Again, President Obama has won a major victory through diplomacy without a shot to being fired, nor a bomb to being dropped; consequently, we now have a solution to the Iranian issue. Additionally, our President’s position is in concert with the wishes of the MAJORITY of the American and global populous. Now is the time when the Global PEACE must step up and contribute to peace. Continue reading A TIME FOR PEACE AND GLOBAL SANITY

Voting Against The Iran Deal Is Voting Against America’s Best Interest

First of all, I am would like to congratulate DNC Head Rep. Wasserman-Schultz for her decision to be on the right side of history by agreeing to back the Iran Obama Administration’s Iran Nuclear Deal. However, I am extremely disturbed by Rep Wasserman-Schultz’s statement that “there was nothing more important to her than Israel”.

Additionally, I am also troubled to know that Wasserman-Schultz “usually votes however Israel wants”. This is a message to all of our Congressional officials; it is your duty to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America first and foremost. Wasserman-Schultz, as well as the other 99 Senators and all 435 Representatives in the House of Representatives made a pledge to “solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God”. Continue reading Voting Against The Iran Deal Is Voting Against America’s Best Interest