Category Archives: Uncategorized

Why You Should Support The “Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.”

Intelligence People the World over Support the “Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action AKA Iranian Nuclear Deal. Please Join “Partners for Peace (PFP)” and call your Congressmen/women to demand that they support this deal…

I am amazed that some in the U.S. Congress have still not made up their minds about the Nuclear Deal with Iran. The U.S creditability as a global leader is on the line. Rejecting the Iranian deal would isolate Washington in unforeseen ways. At a minimum, U.S. foreign policy goals will come under scrutiny.
Facts: Support for the Iranian Nuclear Deal Have Broad-based Support from Scientist, Intellectuals, and Security experts: Continue reading Why You Should Support The “Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.”

Give The People Of South Sudan What They Deserve – PEACE and PROSPERITY

First of all, I want to state that I fully agree with a profound statement by the honorable former President Jimmy Carter; “War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other’s children”.

The evil perpetrated against the South Sudanese people by both South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir Mayardit and Rebel leader Riek Machar is inhumane, criminal, and reprehensible. Thousands of South Sudanese people have been and are being murdered for no good reason. Infrastructures have been destroyed, thousands of innocent people have been killed, and more than 200,000 people have fled their homes. The question that must be answered is; who are the participants in the on-going Genocide inn South Sudan?

The historical legacy of colonial manipulation; blocking economic development and intentionally pitting the tribes against one another in an enduring strategy to divide, conquer, and rule over African people. The actions of President Salva Kiir Maya and Rebel leader Riek Machar, choosing military solutions over diplomatic ones, has denied peace and prosperity to South Sudanese people. They have, in fact, proven to be complicit in maintaining the legacy of colonial manipulation against their people. Continue reading Give The People Of South Sudan What They Deserve – PEACE and PROSPERITY

Light Supremacy – Cousin of White Supremacy Part 2

The system of racial discrimination against Melaninated people operates on at least three levels: race, equity, and color. Let’s be clear; as it relates to the global Black Family; racism is a larger, systemic, social process, and light supremacy is one manifestation of that process. It has been the goal of western societies to divided Melaninated (Black) people by our skin color, dialect, and physical features, (i.e. nose, eyes, moths).

This historical divide called colorism, is the foundation of many present-day perceived ills that negatively impacts our lives in various degrees. Consequently, it is essential that when probing into conversations about the race, skin color, and equity, we must get to the root causes of this bombastic wickedness.

The overarching message in this narrative is colorism, AKA light supremacy. The global concern with Melaninated people is their skin tone specifically and racial or ethnic identity generally. My narrative is not written to be divisive or to cause conflict between our beloved light and dark skin people; on the contrary, its knowledge based. Continue reading Light Supremacy – Cousin of White Supremacy Part 2

The U.S. Doesn’t Need Frenemies

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to Democratic congressmen: “I won’t tell you how to vote on Iran deal”. This Statement by the Israeli leader is at the height of arrogance and is an insult to our governmental leaders. U.S. elected officials pledged their allegiance to the United States of America, not to Israel. If there are any questions as to whom our elected officials pledge allegiance to, we as Americans must know right now! Any decision made by any elected official must be, first and foremost, in the interest of the American people and our government.

Fact: 29 American nuclear scientists, Nobel laureates and physicists with Q clearance, who have access to top secret atomic information, have hailed the recent nuclear deal with Iran, saying that it provides a basis to curb proliferation in the Middle East and globally. ( Additionally, many Israeli ex-generals and former security chiefs have signed a petition urging Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to accept the nuclear deal between world powers and Iran. Continue reading The U.S. Doesn’t Need Frenemies

Clear-Path to PEACE

It appears to me that the Global Peace Movement (GPM) has been in hiding since the beginning of the war in Iraq. Members of the global peace movement have clearly gone underground; hence, their collective voices have been almost entirely silenced. I saw a headline that stated “Global Peace Movement Still Vibrant”. What I would like to know is where in the world are members of the global peace movement still vibrant?

At the time you are reading this article; there are ongoing wars and rumors of wars in AFRICA, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Libya, Egypt, Mali, Nigeria, Niger, Somalia, Kenya, South Sudan, ASIA: Philippines, North Korea, South Korea, Burma-Myanmar, Pakistan; AMERICAS: Colombia, Mexico; EUROPE: Ukraine, Chechnya, Dagestan; Middle East: Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel/Palestinian, Syria, Turkey, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and others population centers. Continue reading Clear-Path to PEACE

Senator Chuck Schumer’s Vote Is Disappointing And Dangerous

I am an enduring consumer of both U.S and global news. I believe it is the duty of all to become global citizen and understand the dynamics of WAR and PEACE in our world. As it relates to the media, it is extremely concerning to know that six powerful media corporations “control just about everything we watch, hear and read”. Yes, six powerful media corporations “own television networks, cable channels, movie studios, newspapers, magazines, publishing houses, music labels as well as many of our favorite websites”.

Consequently, the public’s attitude about the deal will be reflective of the narratives that the media mafias’ bosses impose on our information systems! The Americans, as well as the global community, are deeply influenced by the false or inaccurate information that are perpetually being programed into our heads by the mainstream media.

Now I would like to refocus my attention on Sen. Chuck Schumer (D – NY); one of the most influential Democrat in States. After several conversations with the Obama Administration, Senator Schumer’s voted to oppose Nuclear Deal went between the P5+1 member nations and Iran. His decision went against the will of the United Nation’s Security Council, against the will of the European Union, and against the desire for global PEACE. Most importantly, he voted against scientific information provided to him by the Obama Administration. Furthermore, Schumer stated that he will encourage other Democrats to vote against the deal. Continue reading Senator Chuck Schumer’s Vote Is Disappointing And Dangerous

President Obama’s Historical Visit To Mother Africa

This week, President Obama took the trip of his young life when he visited the African nations of Kenya and Ethiopia. One of the most significant statements made by President Obama was his acknowledgement of being both Kenya-American and African-American. President Obama is also the first/only sitting U.S. President to address the African Union (AU). Continue reading President Obama’s Historical Visit To Mother Africa

2016 U S Presidential Election

Once again, I am here to remind the world that “Black Votes Matters” ©MID. It is not too early to prepare for the upcoming the United States presidential election on Tuesday, November 8, 2016. The Honorable civil rights leader Ms. Fannie Lou Hamer believed that blacks could change their political and economic conditions if they could vote for the candidates who would best serve them and their interest. Ms. Hamer was right and now that we have the right to vote, like all other interest groups, our vote will not be taken for granted. We will, in all respects, make our votes work for our interest because Black votes improve Black lives. Continue reading 2016 U S Presidential Election

What Is The Color Of Your Privilege?

                         What Is The Color Of Your Privilege?

How many people of color have heard a friend, a co-worker, or community leader say, “I am just a privileged white guy or girl?” Did it make you wonder, “If they are privilege and white, what is the color of my privilege?” There are many who have historically, and continue to benefit presently, from those pre-existing disparities that gives them a better “starting point” in life. They believes that character, work ethic and a strong family dynamic are the determining factors in everyone’s life.

The factors listed above will unquestionably improve anyone’s chance to succeed; however, it’s outrageous for anyone to pretend or believe that the color of one’s skin has no bearing on their life experiences or successes in America. White supremacy, (the father of white privilege as a global phenomenon,) creates racial inequalities that affect the social and economic conditions of Black People in America and across the world. Continue reading What Is The Color Of Your Privilege?

Are Wars Really Primarily Bankers Wars?

Who Are the Beneficiaries of Continued Invented Wars?

Why aren’t political leaders listening to the people that elected them to an office! The Global Human Family (GHM) is tired of WARS, and the people of the world are crying out for Diplomatic Solutions. The United States and its allies have been at war in Afghanistan from September 12, 2001 to the present. It appears that we are fighting wars with no end in sight and with no real purpose or path to humanity.

Innocent civilians; men, women children, the disabled and the elderly are being murdered in astronomical numbers. Additionally, military men and women from around the world, and their families have suffered and are suffering in ways the average person cannot even imagine. Nations are paying a dear price in both blood and treasure. Continue reading Are Wars Really Primarily Bankers Wars?